Chapter 21

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"I'll do it!"
"I'll do it, too."
"I'll be the leader!"
"Let me do it!"
"Me! Me! Me!"

Everyone was so enthusiastic about wanting to be class rep, while I, on the other hand, would rather not do that. I think other people are more deserving of that position than I ever will.

Iida brought up the idea of an election to vote for who is the most suitable. With the ok from Aizawa, we began the voting session. It resulted in Deku getting 3 votes, Momo getting 2, Iida getting 1, and so forth. How did Iida get one, well because I was the one who voted for him.

I got to hand it to him, he seems like the most responsible and serious student in our class, disregarding that he could be a bit too strict at times. No matter though, since he mainly does it for the benefit of the class.

After announcing the class president being Deku and vice president being Momo, the bell rang for lunch.

The best part of my day.

As I got up from my desk, Kirishima and Denki called me over. I made my way over to them and asked,

"What's up guys?"

"Hey Y/N, wanna come eat lunch with us?"

"Sure! Who else is comin' along?'

Suddenly, my eyes were covered which caught me off guard.


"Hmmmm, lemme see. Who would this voice belong tooo. Mina I know it's you lol; I saw your pink hands before you could blind me."

"Aweee, dang it. I could've gotten you! So you're gonna be joining us Y/N? How exciting!"

We hugged each other as we waited for the two other people, which were Bakugou and Sero. Once we grouped up, we headed to the cafeteria to get our food. Once we sat down, we had to all get an earful of Bakugou's rant about him not being class president.


"Well jeez Blondie, maybe if you treated everyone with respect they would have considered voting for you. And also, one more thing; bring that voice of yours ten notches down, will you? Literally the whole cafeteria could hear you which means us, being the closest to you, are currently in the process of going deaf."

"Shut the hell up dumbass, you're just mad no one voted for you."

"Hey Bakubro, you shouldn't say that because you're in the same boat as Y/N..."

"EXACTLY! Thank you for sayin' that, since obviously we need explosion boy over here to have everything spelled out for him."

Queue the laughter that emitted from our table which made steam roll off of Bakugou in waves. Blondie began to yell at us for laughing at him when suddenly...

"There has been a level 3 security breach.
All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

Suddenly, chaos ensued. All the students were up and running for the exit, pushing and shoving to get outside as fast as they could. In the process of trying to get out ourselves, we separated and I was getting crushed by everyone. It felt as though I was going to fall in one of these collisions I have with the other students. Someone bumped me from behind and began to fall until someone grabbed my waist. Turning my head to thank whoever it was, I recognized that shark-tooth like smile.

"Woah there Y/N, are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you so much for catching me at the last second Kiri. I thought I was a goner."

"No problem!"

Thankfully me and Kirishima were near the wall, so we took a couple steps to come into contact with it. It seemed that the chaos was not dying down so we decided to wait there to avoid most of the hits from others. As more and more people entered the halls, it was getting more packed.

All I could see were peoples' bodies colliding with one another until something blocked my view. I looked to see Kiri hovering over me with his hands on the wall behind the wall. His quirk was activated which helped because many people weren't able to push us.

"Sorry if it's too cramped Y/N. It would have been unmanly of me to just let you get hit."

"Thanks Eiji, and no worries, it doesn't feel cramped at all."

I gave him a thankful smile which and watched as he whipped his head to the side, making sure we both try to avoid another collision.

After a couple minutes we heard a loud, booming voice that reverberated through the halls.


Way to go Iida!

After his mini speech of encouragement, everyone calmed down and we were all able to leave in an orderly fashion. As the police arrived, the reporters were kicked off the campus since they were technically trespassing illegally.

After everything was situated and we were able to head back to class, Midoriya dropped down from his position and gave it to Iida. Everyone agreed as well that he deserves the position after being such a big help.

The rest of the school day went by smoothly without any more break in attempts. As  everyone was packing their bags to head home, I walked up to Iida.

"Hey Iida, that was super helpful of you during lunch. I made the right choice in voting for you as class president."

I patted him on the back as he took in what I told him.

"You were the one that voted for me?"

"The one and only. You are going to be a great representative for our class. I believe in you buddy."

"Thank you very much for your vote, Y/N. I will make sure to live up to your expectations."

"Haha don't worry about that, I know you will."

His face after that was unreadable, until he then displayed a small smile. We said goodbye to each other and I was on my way home with All Might Jr. and Anger Issues. Once I got to my house, Aizawa and I sat down for dinner.

"Tomorrow we will be having another basic hero training course."

"Oh really? What are we gonna' be doing?"

"We're going on a mini field trip to the USJ center for rescue training."

Right when he said that, something flashed my head as quickly as it left. It felt as though I'm forgetting something super important.

"Sounds fun, I can't wait to give my quirk more attention. I can't fall behind the class, I need to do better."

Aizawa gave me a proud smile.

"That's the spirit. I better see some improvement, you hear me?"


"Alright then, make sure to get a good amount of sleep, you're gonna need it for tomorrow. 'Night."

"Night Aizawa."

Let's hope all goes well for tomorrow.

Oh how I wish that was the case...

To Be Continued...


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