Chapter 50

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"Ah I see I'm finally able to meet my two interns for the week. As you may know, I am the Pro Hero Manual and I look forward working with you two for the next couple of days"

Iida and I both gave our greetings and went to change into our hero costumes per his request. Once we both finished, we set off to patrol the streets as Manual gives us the rundown.

"Normally, we wait for client calls and such, but lately Hosu's been kinda hectic, hence why street patrols have become a must in order to prevent any crimes breaking out.

Anyways, I'm honestly quite surprised I was able to recruit two trainees instead of one, and one even being the little brother of Ingenium."

After he said that, I felt Iida's pace slow down and slowly go into a stop. Luckily, some fans of Manual that were waving across the street came and began to make small talk with him which gave me a chance to walk back to where Iida was standing and staring off into space. Although I couldn't see his face, I could just feel the tension oozing off him in waves.

Stopping right in front of him, I tap on his plate of armor. "Hey Iida?"

Immediately snapping out of whatever trance he was in, he turns to look at me. "Yes Y/n?"

"You doing ok? Hell, I know you're not ok, you're like really out of it. It's about what happened here isn't it."

He stays quiet, yet gives me a slight nod as an answer which I'm grateful for since I can't tell what the expression of his face is due to the helmet.

Instantly I move forward and give him a hug.

"Eh, uh Y/n? What are you doing?"

"Giving you a hug, what does it look like I'm doing. Listen I know I won't understand what you must be feeling at the moment, but just know I'm here if you need to talk or even if you just need company ok?"

After letting go, I motioned for us to catch up to Manual, who just waved bye to the last remaining fan who had come up to him. As soon as I started to walk, I felt him lightly grab my wrist to turn back to him.

"Thank you Y/n, although I'm fine right now, I am grateful to know that I can rely on you if otherwise."

I tilt my head a bit and let out a small sigh, "Yea."

He must think he's good at being nonchalant, but lemme just say...
This guy can't fool me.

As we went back on our patrol for the rest of the day, with some assistances here and there, I continued to act oblivious of the rolling tension and anger, as well as the glances towards the alleys made by Iida.

We are finally day three into the internship and Iida's more tense than over. The sun has set and the three of us are heading back to the agency.

"Must've been due to the private conversation he and Manual had a little bit ago..."

"Did you say something Y/n?"

I whip my head up to see Iida peering towards me.

I slightly wave him off. "Nah it's just me saying random shit, don't mind me. "

"... Well if you insist.... Listen Y/n, I've been keeping up with the news regarding the hero killer and I just want to say be careful because there was a prediction that his next location could actually be near–"


The three of us freeze as we hear one explosion go off after the next, watching as smoke begins to billow up into the sky ahead of us. After not even a second, chaos ensued. Screams in every direction trying to run past us.

I watch as Manual answers someone on his ear piece. "What did you say? A villain appeared?! Alright, we'll head over there right away!"

He hangs up, "Tenya, Y/n, we're gonna run!"

As we ran as fast as we could through the streets, I quickly stopped in my tracks to see that Iida suddenly stopped running and was looking towards an alley.

"Iida what are you doing we gotta go."

"Y/n, you continue going with Manual! I'm going to take a short cut!"

I begin running towards him, "Iida what the fuck are you saying right we shouldn't separate in case anythi-"


Like the flash, he was in front of me in less than a second and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Do not follow me. I mean it. You'll be better off with Manual."

And just like that, he runs into the alley, leaving me there.

"Hah... you little four eyed bastard AS IF I'D LISTEN TO YOUR SONIC ASS!"

And with that, I sped into the alley he went to, trying my best to keep up with him even though we all know that's impossible. Still, I managed to hear running and every time he began using his quirk since they're literally engine boosters.

After like five minutes of running around through the alleyways, I finally heard a thud in the direction to my right which made me book it that way. I slowed down and began tiptoeing against the wall just in case I stumbled across someone who wasn't Iida.

Luckily for me, when I peeked my head out a little bit, I saw that indeed it was my friend. Unluckily, he was on the ground with a sword pointed right at his face. I covered my mouth before I could let a gasp escape me as I felt everything in my freeze in fear.

Looking like one of the failed experiments of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, with a man behind him who has been bludgeoned undoubtedly by him, and with looks that could kill towards Iida, it wasn't a pretty sight.

I could only see the back of Iida's head but can fully see that abomination of a face looking like he's enjoying every second of this.

This motherfucker looks worse than Shigaraki...
Not even surgery can fix what's going on with this maniac.

"Ingenium! It is the name of the hero who will defeat you now and put an end to you!"

I silently scream at Iida's declaration.

Iida you four eyed punk, you can't possibly think you can kill the man can you!

With that, Stain's smile slowly began disappearing from his face and only a blank stare was there.

"I see....


To Be Continued...




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