Chapter 56

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I start laughing as I watch Kirishima pose around with the new hair style.

"You like it? Y/n did it for me. I think it looks pretty nice down. Maybe I'll consider doing it here and there. What do you guys think about my buddy Y/n's hair."

At that everyone looked at me and started laughing. Mina started yelling at how it sucks she didn't have her phone with her at the moment.

"Y/n, your hair..."

I walked to where my red headed friend was and threw my arm on his shoulder as he did the same with his.

"What can I say, I had the best hairstylist, right Kirishima? Good thing we decided to just do the punishment together, we look amazing!"

"You bet! Guys c'mon, doesn't Y/n look great with the mullet, I even used my extra strength gel to make sure it was perfect."

"Good, I wanna make sure I look good when I beat this practical exam."

"Seems you all are finally remembering where you currently are. Now then, face forward and listen up."

At that we all focus back on our teacher as well as the other staff members currently with him.

"Now the, we will now begin the practical exam. Just know that you can fail this exam, so if you want to go to the training camp, I suggest you make no mistakes. And now that you see us, I assume you all know what this test will pertain."

"Hell yeah, robots." I hear Kaminari yell.

"Ooo I can't wait for the fireworks, bonfire, you name it!"

"Actually we will be focusing more on person to person combat."

The class collectively gasps as we see Principal Remy crawl out of Aizawa's scarf. I had to swallow in my laugh so I don't bring attention to myself.

"Now then, we will have you be in teams of two, one of three, and have you fight against one of your teachers!"

At that my mouth went slack. "Ohh shitttt..."

One by one, we were called with our affiliated partner as well as the teacher we wil be going up against.

"Group 6 will consist the group of three:
Mina, Kaminari, and Y/n."

At that the three of us look at each other and nod, seemingly happy with their choice.

"This group will go up against:

Principal Nezu."

We all whip our heads to look at the little rat laugh giddily. "Good luck you three, please try your best and work together to beat me."

What was this dudes quirk other than being a dam rat...
Shit we better figure that shit out and quick before we go up.

As soon as they finished everyones pair ups, leading to a total of ten teams, the principal spoke up once again.

"Each exam has a time limit of 30 minutes. Your goal is to either put these handcuffs" he says as he lifts the yellow and black handcuffs "on your teacher, or to have one of you escape from your designated stage."

"Um, isn't there a huge difference between us student and the teachers, wouldn't it be best if we just run?"

"That's where these come in." Every teacher pulled out these circle weights and starters putting them on their body.

"In order to make it a little bit more fair, each teacher will wear these that accumulate to half their body weight. Alright then now that everything is set in place, each team will go up in order, starting with Sato and Kirishima. The rest of you all can either come watch their exam or get together with your partner or partners and strategize what you plan to do when your time comes."

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