Chapter 48

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"It seems that you and Iida are most likely going to the same agency."


"Oh really?"

He nods his answer and with that we head on home. It was silent on the way there due to something seeming to be on Aizawa' mind. I decided to ignore how deep in thought he was and proceeded to mind my business. Once we entered the house, I began to make a beeline to my room until I heard him speak behind me.

"Y/n, after you're done putting your things away, meet me in the living room."

I give an odd look and simply nodded, turning back to put my stuff away and change into comfortable clothes. As soon as I finished, I headed back out into the living room where Aizawa was staring deep into space once again.

"Sit down."

Ok.... talk about nerve-wracking if you ask me.

"What's going on? Did I do something wrong, if so I'm really sorry."

He shook his head and waved it off. "No it's not that. I just wanted to talk to you about something. It's about your classmate, Iida."

"Oh ok, you really got me nervous there for a second, but then again, what's wrong with Iida? Is this about the incident with his brother?"

"You catch on quick... Remember how I told you how there's a chance you and him are going to the same agency. Well it's due to the fact that he only wrote one out of three choices and it matches up with your top choice."

I simply nod my head. Waiting for him to continue.

"Well as you know, it was announced on the news on how his brother was attacked by the hero killer. To the point where he possibly won't fully recover. Where was it that they stated he was attacked?"

I look up a bit, trying to remember where exactly it was. "Hmm, if I recall, I think it was in Hosu City right?"

Once those words left my mouth, it all hit me, my mind being slapped with the memories of what happened.

Oh shit.

"Correct... Now guess where the agency he chose to go is."

"... Hosu City."


I rub the back of my head a bit, feeling a bit anxious on how this whole shit show is going to explode.

"So what you're telling me is that he's going there in an attempt to probably find out more about the person who hurt his brother?"

Nice and subtle...

"Mhmm... as you know I won't be there to watch each and every single one of you as you will be with pro hero agencies. The reason I'm telling you all this is because there is a chance you'll be going with him."

I nod my head.

"If you do in fact go, I need you to be more aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on Iida. No one knows what's going through his head but whatever it is that made him choose this agency out of all the others, it can't be that good..."

"I see. I'll do my best to help him any way I can."

"Not just that Y/n, don't get yourself in a position that will put you in danger. Him as well. What I'm saying is be careful."

I give a slight nod. "Ok."

At that he stands up and puts his hand on my head. "I know this might be a lot to take in but you need to be prepared for anything. Now then, go do what you gotta do and get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Y/n."

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