Chapter 3: Trust

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Three Days had passed since Izumi came to Felix's home so it was now Sunday, she felt intrusive but she had been constantly assured that he welcomed her. But today, would've been awkward, for today was his day off. She laid in bed, fearing that she might make things uncomfortable for both of them, but how? Would she break a plate and get yelled at? What if she said something that made him mad? Could she even do anything to prevent something from happening? Wrapping her head around the infinite possibilities was confusing, but she was taken out of her thoughts when a knock came at the door to her barren room. "Are you awake, Izumi?" Felix's warm voice came from beyond it, "I made breakfast..." he paused for whatever reason, "if you want some you can come get it."

Izumi stood up, knowing that if she stood him up that she'd feel bad about it. She slept in a set of pajamas, but she didn't know if it was fine coming out in them because of how ragged they were. Which was why she went into the backpack with the ordained outfits in it, she pulled out a men's pair of sweatpants along with a plain black T-shirt. She slipped off her clothing revealing the dozens of scars that were on her back, they were focused above her bra clip but there were a few below it. They ranged in size from thin lines created by a knife to that of a one yen coin with some cigarette burns in between.

"I-I'm coming," Izumi started out strong, but her weak will got to her in the latter half, "dad." She squeaked out as she put on the sweatpants and shirt, it was then that she felt that it would be fine if she went out in that. She opened her door and peered out of it, Felix was sitting at the black kitchen table he had with a warm inviting smile. Across from him was an equally warm plate of pancakes and a chair. Just a few days ago there was only one seat, he must've gone through the trouble to pull one out of storage just for her. But why? What was the point of doing something for her...when there was absolutely nothing for him to gain?

"Don't worry," even after making that odd first impression for the day by peering through a crack in the door Felix didn't lose his smile, "I don't bite." It took a few seconds for determine that he wasn't lying so she opened the door and walked out. "Is that what you're wearing today?" He  almost sounded disappointed, sad even. She was going to open her mouth and say something along the lines of, 'I can change if you want me to,' but he spoke first. "Whatever makes you comfortable is fine by me," he picked up a mug and took a sip from it, "although you need a better wardrobe." She was surprised by how kind he was, she didn't deserve anything of the like though since she only created issues for those around her. "Now come and eat," he gestured to the chair across from him, "we've got a busy day ahead of us." How could anyone be this kind to her? It just seemed...inconceivable.


Izumi looked at the clothing store that they stopped in front of, she was clearly not fine with going inside because she thought that the concept of buying clothes just for her was absurd. Which was why she grabbed her left elbow, it was often something she often did as a child when Inko had her friends around. Just thinking about the people she brought into her house made Izumi shiver...just thinking about that time made her want to break down and cry. "Izumi," it seemed that he called out to her multiple times before in an excited, yet calming, voice. She was taken out of her self misery by her father, "I don't know what happened to you in the past..." she was waiting for him to yell at her so she closed her eyes, waiting to be chastised, demeaned by the man who'd she'd come to know as her father. But she was only met with sympathy, "but I hope that you can come to trust me enough to talk about them. I only want you to be happy," Izumi didn't know how exactly he could keep up his kind facade for this long without a crack, "that's my goal as a father. To make sure that my daughter is happy in life," he looked at her before patting her head again, "that is what I want...I know it's selfish to say," he paused for a few seconds, "but if you need to talk to me about anything, then I'm here for you. If you need time to come out of your shell, then I'm fine with that too."

The Divine Hero: Izumi MidoriyaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon