Chapter 11: Wrath

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Within a flash, the past year replayed itself in Izumi's mind. Finding Katsuki again, meeting her real father, imprisoning Inko, getting infected with a viral quirk and then healing it, and finally ending with the kiss she had wanted for years. All of it...and not a moment was regretted. Thought back on, but never dejected. So she would happily accept the death delivered unto her by Izo's sword. Either way, there wasn't much of a fight she could put up with her neck sliced. She hadn't tried to heal herself, knowing that there wasn't enough time to even remotely summon her fire. Her head was tilting back as she embraced his deathly grip. But, fate had something else in store for her. She recognized the cloth wrapping around the sword, stopping it from continuing. With her hearing slipping, she could hear "Iida now" come from the owner of the strengthened cloth. It was only moments after that she was raised into the air and whisked away by her blue haired friend hanging over her.

"Iida?" She choked out, blood rising in her throat; weakly, her arm went up to her neck. Within seconds, she could feel the warm liquid flowing down her forearm. "I'm bleeding a lot, aren't I?" She tried to chuckle, but only spat blood onto his cheek, "sorry," was the last word she uttered before she felt her neck tear a bit more. It seemed that it'd fall off at anytime so she stopped talking and relied on the boy as they ran up the stairs together. Before she knew it, she was laid on her back to where she was just minutes ago, at the top of the stairs. There, she saw both Katsuki and Iida hovering over her, the only two out of the twenty that hadn't been teleported.

"Izumi!" Katsuki shouted, showing clear distress over his lover, "what happened to her?!" He bit back tears, trying to prevent them from as hard as he could.

"I have no clue," Iida said clearly trying to stay as calm as possible, even with blood staining the metal of his suit. "All I know is that I followed Eraserhead-senpai's plan and rescued her."

Katsuki brought his hands up to his neck, "Izumi, please, I need you to do exactly as I do." Izumi weakly moved her hands up, Iida had to help with the rest, "try and summon your fire. If you forgot how to," Katsuki had been told only once how she summoned the healing factor of her power, but he'd kept onto it, thinking of it as useful. "Then just relax, think about something that makes you calm. All you have to do then is release it from your hands." With the warm feeling of her own hands heating her freezing neck she began to think of something. She closed her eyes, envisioning the kiss she shared with Katsuki nearly a month ago. "No no no, Izumi open your eyes, don't fall asleep please!" She let out a little squeak when Katsuki's warm hands forcefully opened her eyelids.

"Hey, Iida," she looked at the blue haired boy, her quirk wouldn't work because she was too weak. "I'm glad that I could be your friend," she didn't move her head at all, but the blood pressure rose, causing more of it to flow out. "Kacch-" she was shut up when Katsuki's lips met with hers. It was a last ditch effort to activate her quirk, but even after ten seconds it didn't activate. " I can leave this world," she stared up at the blue sky, the sun rained down upon the building. Her quirk wouldn't activate, but she wouldn't curse herself for that inability. In such a quick time she came to terms with her own death, "in peace. I love," tears came from her eyes as a warm feeling piked in her numbing hands, "you."

From her feet up, a beautiful pink flame was set ablaze. Why am I warm? Steadily, they reached her calves, spreading up to her thighs in just seconds. Everything was so cold just a moment ago, so why is it different now? The blood that had spilled on her stomach disappeared when the wave continued upwards. It's...comforting, like Katsuki holding me in his arms. When it finally hit her neck, the wound stitched itself together, leaving behind a nasty scar made of collagen, it went about three inches down each side of her neck. Am...I going to die? It should've happened by now, so what gives? The pain still resonated in her, but she opened her eyes when tears fell onto her cheek. They weren't from Katsuki, surprisingly he had his head turned back, but from Iida who'd been over her.

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