Chapter 2: Anger

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When the detective came out of the back room, Izumi was instructed to sit in the lobby. Someone was coming to pick her up. He handed her backpack over and walked her to the lobby of his precinct. She was concerned, surely the person he called to get her was her mother. But seeing as she didn't 'exist,' she doubted it. She did as she was told, getting increasingly anxious as time passed. Who was coming to pick her up if her mother hadn't existed? She found out about an hour later when the door to the precinct opened. "Izumi?" A voice called out, it was a man's. "Izumi!" He called out once more before running over to her. She was increasingly concerned when he hugged her. She didn't know him, but it was odd he knew her. "I can't believe it," her heart froze, "I can't believe that my daughter is in front of me again."

How could she be this man's daughter? She looked almost nothing like him. Sure, the black hair he sported could explain why she had blackened strands of hair mixed within her green. But if Inko was her mother, then where had the green hair come from? So she canned the idea and focused on another trait of his. His facial structure was lean like hers, but so was Inko's. No matter how many scenarios she could think of as to why he was her father, they were always shot down by conflicts between Inko and him. But something told her that he wasn't lying about her being his daughter. Something deep within the pit of her core.

Especially when he referred to her as "Izumi Midoriya." She'd never heard that last name in her life, but a chill ran down her spine as it entered through her ears, one that seemed all too friendly. Why did that last name illicit such a reaction? She tried to reason that she had heard that name when passing by someone, or in the news because they were on a headline. But there was nothing, no-one to ring the still bell in her mind. "So how did you guys find her?" He asked as he broke the hug and placed one of his hands on her shoulders.

"I did sir, she was trying to sleep in an alleyway. I think she ran away from her home," the officer that had brought her in spoke up as he stood behind a counter. "Which was a good thing, otherwise the case might've gone cold after another ten years." Izumi's ears perked up.

"What case? What do you mean by that?" She asked innocently, purposefully feigning ignorance to what he obviously meant.

"Well...I'd say the case is mostly complete. That's if you are the chief's missing child," the detective stared down the man who claimed to be her father. "The only part that would be left is putting your kidnapper behind bars."

Her heart sank, "b-but, Inko is my mother, right?" She didn't know why she wanted to have her reason be that, but it felt natural to her that filth like her was born from someone as evil as Inko. The world she came to know was crumbling down around her, "there's no way," she tried to laugh, "she kidnapped me." With a shocked expression, Izumi stared into her lap. It seemed to distance itself from her as her pupils dilated.

"I know I probably shouldn't do this...can you please bring me the file, Ito-Kun?" Her father asked, his hand still present on her shoulder, the sound of boots hitting the tiled floor came from Ito. "Look," her potential father kneeled in front of her, "I know you're in disbelief, Izumi. But I need you to see the truth with your own eyes, so that you might believe my words. I want you to know what happened to you...and your real mother back then. So that you may help bring justice to where it belongs."

"Here you go sir," Ito said, as he suddenly appeared at their side, his footsteps leading to them were completely silent. Her father accepted the manila folder and handed it off to Izumi.

"Thank you, Ito-Kun," he waited for her to grab the folder before speaking again, "inside are the answers to all the questions that are undoubtedly inside you. You can open it...or if you choose not to, then just give it back to me." His eyes seemed to be crying, but without any tears, "I do implore you to find the truth on your own, instead of blindly trusting an old man's word. That would mean that I failed as a parent and a police officer, wouldn't it?" He chuckled, he tried his hardest to come up with a joke during such a strenuous time, but it was still rather lame. "Now do what you want with it," he turned away from Izumi, "Ito, let's go finish some paperwork in the meantime. Not like there's much better to do anyway," her 'father' walked away into the backroom with his colleague.

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