When they're gone *his pov*

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We finished fighting ok of the guys and I was grinning like I normally do. "Great job guys, and hey give me some y/-" I paused. Right she's not here. I sighed and we started heading back when another explosion happened.

Do you people not understand I'm trying to get back to my girlfriend? I groaned slightly and we headed to find the noise.

I just wanna get back to y/n. I miss her cuddles, her warmth, her smile, her everything! I'll be home soon babe.

"Is this almost over? "Hey how many more are there?" I asked Erza. "They keep showing up every time we finish a horde of them, so I can't say." She answered and blocked an attach with her sword.

"Can we hurry this up, I have someone to get back to." I grumbled and froze on of them that came at me. I'll be back soon y/n.

Oh no we're lost. We finished our mission a long time ago but we got lost and have no idea where we are. "Oh this is just great! Now you know why I didn't want you to take the lead Natsu!" Lucy complained again.

"Well I thought I was right Lucy!" They started bickering and I sat on a tree stump with a sigh. Suddenly, a small brown bird flew onto my hand and perched itself on my finger.

"Oh hey little guy, you kinda look like one of the birds flying around y/n when she sung." I started petting its head and it looked happy. Y/n. I have to get back to her soon, no matter what.

I won't say it out loud, but I'm miserable without y/n. She makes Issues so much more lively and we work so well together. I sighed and blocked an attack that was heading straight for Levy who wasn't paying attention. She faced me with a smile.

"Wow, thanks Gajeel. I owe-" I cut her off. "Don't mention it, now are we done here?" I asked impatiently. I just wanna get back to my shrimp that's all. Y/n, i'mma be back you know I will.

I'm so ready to get home to my girl, I hope she's doing okay. "Are you alright Cobra? You've been spacing out a lot lately." Midnight asked, I nodded me head.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. He shrugged and blocked an attack flying towards us. He jumped out of the way of a purple beam.

I'm almost done Y/n, wait for me.

He already finished, but they got caught in a bad storm, if they tried to go on they'd end up in worse conditions then they already are.

Come one I'm just trying to get home. I'm so sorry Y/n, please don't be mad at me.

He blasted someone off with a bored look. Are we almost finished? He kicked someone away from Lucy.

"How many more?" He asked Erza. "I don't know exactly, but their can't be to many more." She answered slashing her sword.

This is taking to long! Ugh! I'll be back soon Y/n don't worry love.

They're on their way back, but they keep stopping. Mostly Sherria looking at stuff. And they weren't even close to the train station.

"Sherria, we should get going." He says trying not to blow up. She whined. "But I wanna look around! We worked really hard, we should treat ourselves!" She suggested dragging everyone into the near mall.

I'll be back soon, I promise.

Him, and Rogue were in the middle of fighting when he had a thought. 'What if she found someone better? What if she forgot about me? What if she found someone better AND forgot about me!

He started fighting harder to get back to you sooner. "Where do they keep coming from!?" He shouted to them. "Don't know! They just keep popping up!" Rogue shouted back blocking an attack.

"Damn it!" He punched one that tried to sneak up from behind. I'll be back as soon as we finish y/n I promise!

He basically just punching to keep them down so they could leave. He just wants to get back home to you and cuddle.

"Just," he kicked some guy in the stomach.

"Stay," he back handed another in the nose.

"Down!!" He roared taking half of them out. "Hey, you alright Rogue?" Sting asked looking at him. Rogue took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm fine." He said. Sting nodded and went back to fighting. No I'm not, I miss you y/n. I can't wait for this to be over.

"Y/n? Where are you?" He looked around for her, but Couldn't see anything if except Darkness. This can't be happening! I can't loose her, please no!

He started freaking out loosing control. Come back please!
OMG HI! Wow it's been so long Huh? I know it's my fault, but I had to take a break from writing for a little while because my brain wasn't giving me any creativity and I wanna be as creative as I can for you guys! Anyways I want you all to know I love you so much and I'll see you in the next one peace✌️

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