What He Finds Cute About You

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He find it cute when you twist your hair when you're talking to him, he thinks you look adorable.

He finds it cute when he come home from a mission with team Natsu and you bombard him with hugs and kisses.

He finds it cute when you sneeze, it's so quite and adorable like you and he loves it.

He thinks it's cute when you get mad at him, he thinks you look hot mad.

He thinks it's cute when you get excited about going to see Lara and the other snakes.

He thinks it's cute when you scold him about messing with his stitches.

He thinks it's cute when he makes you flustered, 'cause it doesn't happen often.

He thinks it's cute when you get all passionate about ice skating and you get little stars in your eyes.

He thinks it's cute when you it your lip when you get nervous or just out of the blue. It also turn him on a little😏.

He thinks it's cute when you get all motherly with Froch, he can't wait to have kids for Froch to play with, and for the two of you to love.

He thinks everything about you is cute. Like I said before he can't just pick one thing, so he loves all of you, evey little thing down to your toes, he loves it all.

Not to shabby if I do say so myself *Pat's back* I did good. I really like this one it was fun to write. Anyways see you guy in the next one peace

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