His reaction when you sit on his lap

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He just sat there with an embarrassed blush covering his cheeks, when he snapped out of his shock he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder holding you closely breathing in your scent.

He blushed and you made him wrap his arms around you since he wouldn't do it. He gave in and placed his head on your shoulder with a small smile.

He blushed darker than Erzas hair, you were cold and needed a heat source so you sat on Romeos lap to cuddle him. He still blushing like a maniac played with your hair smiling slightly.

He had a small blush but held you closely and played with your hair and smirking.

He just smirked and stroked your thighs making yoj blush, he blushed Shawn he heard your thoughts. It was an awkward night🤣

He doesn't do much he just wraps his arms around you and falls asleep on your shoulder. You find it cute and let him be.

Oh smirked and kept nibbling your neck making you blush. He also stroked your thighs and trailed his hands up your sides (I'll let your imagination go from their🙈)

He blushes and holds you as close as he can, you play with his cute hair most of the time and you both end up falling asleep.

You don't sit on his lap anymore after what happened the first time, but he always makes you when he gets jealous or when he wants to cuddle.😌💅🏾

He blushed and faintes, you thought he was dead and gave him mouth to mouth, he woke up and fainted again. You figured out what happens and giggled at his cuteness.

Same as Rogue he just kept fainting.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I hope this makes up for my absence! I love you all so much and if you have any ideas for the next one, make sure to request it! As always I say..... peace out ✌🏾

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