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Drake makes his way out of Scavengers inn, walking into Ashta's shop next door "So where is this Dord guy?" Drake asks as he sees Ashta standing behind is bench at the end of the shop.

Ashta's face drops as he hears Drake, "Dord guy" a voice comes from behind Drake, Drake turns around not being able to see anyone in the store, "Down here" the voice says as Drake feet a sharp stab in his foot. Drake quickly looks down to see an old hunched over minotaur with long grey hair. Drake's surprised, seeing a minotaur in Desteria.

"A minotaur in Desteria, I thought you were all extinct" Drake says in confusion as he stares at the short minotaur hunching over in front of him. Ashta quickly rushes in front of Drake and the minotaur, "I am sorry Master Dord, young people today don't seem to have manners" Ashta says as he glares at Drake.

"Oh, this is Dord, you didn't tell me he was a wrinkly old minotaur" Drake says surprised by hearing that the old minotaur is Dord. Dord glares at Drake with his half open eyes then begins to walk past him slowly with his cane.

"Never mind this Ashta, where is this boy Drake I am meant to speak with about the ancient swords" Dord says as he reaches Ashta's bench, Ashta pauses for a second before he slowly points his finger at Drake. Drake stares cluelessly at Dord resting against the bench.

Dord glares at Ashta then turns his attention to Drake "I am leaving Ashta" Dord huffs as he begins to make his way past Ashta and Drake again. "Wait, wait please Dord, this is just a misunderstanding" Ashta pleads with Dord as he walks out of the store.

Dord stops moving then looks back at Drake, seeing Green Mist attached to Drake's waist, "Come with me Ashta" Dord says as he walks out of the store. Ashta turns to Drake signaling for him to stay in the store. Then Ashta follow Dord out of the shop closing the door behind him.

Drake stands in the store, beginning to looking around in boredom, hearing Dord and Ashta arguing out the front he slowly makes his way closer to the door trying to make out what they are saying but as he approaches the door, they go silent and the door swings open with only Ashta standing out the front with a big smile on his face.

"Dord has agreed to speak with you just outside Desteria" Ashta says with a big smile on his face. Drake looks at Ashta confused "Why exactly am I speaking with him?" Drake asks as he looks at Ashta in confusion. Ashta's face drops "He is going to help you, now get" Ashta says in an irritated tone. Drake continues to look at Ashta with a confused expression "Help me with what?" Drake asks as he starts to get annoyed. Ashta glares at Drake then starts to push him out of the store "You will see now get to it" Ashta growls forcing Drake out of the shop then slamming the door behind him. "Wait, what gate do I go out of?" Drake asks as he bashes on the door. Ashta does not respond to him.

Drake looks around the courtyard wondering where to go, as he looks around, he sees rubble being thrown into the air over the west gate towards the ruins of Highhill castle. Intrigued by what is going on, he decides to head out the west gate.

As he makes his way out of Desteria, he sees Dord along with another larger more masculine minotaur, it looks as though Dord is training the larger minotaur. Drake makes his way over to Dord, but as he gets closer the larger minotaur hurls a large boulder at Drake, the boulder landing only a meter to his left. "What was that for?" Drake asks as he begins to get aggravated. The large minotaur smirks at Drake then turns around grabbing another boulder, preparing to hurl it at Drake again.

"That's enough Knox" Dord chuckles as he walks over to Drake "This is my son, do you want to repeat what you called me earlier" Dord laughs as Knox lifts another boulder over his head. Drake glances at Knox before he looks back at Dord "I am sorry about earlier Master Drod, Ashta told me you were going to help me with something?" Drake asks as he watches Knox steadily holding the boulder over his head.

"It is Dord not Drod you imbecile, Ashta is correct, I am here to help you awaken your full potential, like I did with your father" Dord explains as he waves his hand signaling for Knox to drop the boulder.

Drakes face drops when he hears that Dord knew his father, "What do you mean my father?" Drake asks in astonishment as he stares at Dord in shock. Dord turns to Drake with a grin "yes your father Drowgarn, is also like you and your brother" Dord explains as he smile at Drake, Dord's walking stick begins to shake from him putting to much weight onto it. Knox quickly rushes over "Father, are you alright?" Knox asks in a worried tone. "Yes, you don't need to worry about me son" Dord says in reassurance.

Drake watches Dord's walking stick closely seeing it become more steady, "Now where were we, ahh yes, your father Drowgarn was also blessed by the Divines once upon a time, though much like your brother he turned on the Divines once he felt the true power within him; That power has consumed many souls, I always wonder why they keep bestowing it upon you humans *cough* *cough* when your father turned on the Divines, they Divines asked us to help control the situation, it ended in warfare between the our race and several other races, ultimately we were almost annihilated, driven to near extinction, due to your fathers wrong doings" Dord explains as a tear runs down his furry face.

Drake's heart begins to ache as he hears that his father, was in a similar situation to what Dragoon is now. "I am sorry to hear what my father did to you and your people Master Dord, do you mind if I ask if you might know where he is now?" Drake asks as he kneels in front of Dord.

"Stand up boy, I have not finished my story yet" Dord says in annoyed tone. "Oh, I am sorry" Drake says apologetically as he gets back to his feet. "Where was I, ahh yes, your father despite the damage he had done to the minotaur race, he was actually the one that saved us unknowingly, you see we had a very cruel leader back in those times, Graxor was leading us to our doom long before your father came along, he would wage war against the orcs and elves for years on end, until the invitation of power was given to him by the Divine to deal with your father, we are just glad that it was your father who won the fight and not Graxor otherwise we would be living in a different world" Dord explains further as he rests down on a rock behind him.

"So even though my father, almost destroyed your race entirely, you do not have any hatred towards him?" Drake asks curiously. Dord slow shook his head with smile "Me and your father were actually good friends for quite some time after all he was my apprentice" Dord chuckles with a grin.

"Your apprentice, where is he now?" Drake hastily asks. Dord looks at Drake with a worrisome look "Last I seen your father was eight years ago at his hut on the south isles, he said he had to consult with Yorshimiree, I warned him not to go but he did not listen, I have not seen him since" Dord explains as he looks down at the ground with a saddened expression on his face.

Drake steps towards Dord and places a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you for telling me this, Master Dord" Drake says as he steps away from Dord, looking up into the sky in anger. "What are you doing boy?" Dord asks as he tries to stand up from the rock, suddenly stopped by Knox's hand gently pushing him back down on to the rock. "I am going to get some answers" Drake says as he quickly takes off into the sky.

"What are you doingKnox? We should have stopped him; he's going to get himself killed" Dord says angrilyas he glares at Knox, grinning as he watches Drake take off into the air.