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"What are you talking about? I was completely alone." he laughed.

"I heard you talking to someone else, Weasley. I'm not stupid," I spat back, scrunching my face in anger.

"I don't know what to tell you, I've been alone all day," he said, turning back down to his work.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes in frustration. "Whatever, I just need the Veritas papers. You have two days," I said.

"I already told you, I can't give you th–"

"I don't bloody care, you will get me the fucking papers in two days. If not... well I guess I'll just remember this situation when it's time for yearly reviews, yeah?" I hissed, slamming my hands on edge of his desk and towering over him.

He leaned back in his chair, cowering beneath me. He let out a shaky breath.

"D-Draco, you wouldn't, I mean I can't lose this job, please," he pleaded. This sounds familiar.

"Then get me the fucking papers, Weasley. That's all you need to do."

I patted the desk, a smug smile on my face as I straightened up, adjusting my collar.

"Well, thank you for this lovely time, Weasley. It was a pleasure, as always." I said sarcastically, turning back around and exiting his office.

I shut the door behind me, brushing the hair out of my face. Now, I need to deal with Annabelle.

I made my way back to the elevator, slamming my hands on the button impatiently. The doors slid open as a 'ding' rang out.

I stepped in, hitting the right button while deep in thought. Percy seemed shaken up, my ultimatum likely didn't help his situation either. Why would Percy be so stressed? Honestly, he doesn't do anything here so it can't possibly be his job. So who the hell was threatening him?

The elevator came to a sudden stop, the doors opening to reveal my floor. I walked out, turning in the direction of my office, and sped to my doorstep.


All I could feel was the cold stone floor as my head pounded due to the intensity of my tears. My face was streaked with mascara, hair in disarray as I slumped against the side of the desk.

I found Draco's stash of alcohol, helping myself to his collection of firewhiskey. Two empty bottles lay aside me, a half-full bottle in my hand.

I threw my head back, taking a swig out of the bottle to numb my emotions. I can't believe he'd fucking treat me like this.

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 - 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now