"What is she to you?" I ask.

"Everything. You have no idea how special she is. You walked here from another place seen a pretty face and followed your attractions. I cant exactly explain it, but she is unlike anyone else I have ever met. She truly lives up to her nickname, continuously rising from the ashes to fight another fight. She is selfless, humble, kind, and completely unaware to how special she is. Everything she does is filled with passion and sincerity. Everything she has ever done has been to help others, yet as far as I know has never actually asked for help. It worries me how she wont. Ive tried gaining her trust, but she won't let me in. I failed her; I hope you won't." He pauses getting lost in her laughter as Tyler tickles her. "That useless oaf. He is so blind he cant see when she's hurting. I think that's why she hangs out with him." He shakes his head. "I'm going to tell you something Evan, you wont believe me at first, but after you watch her for a while you will. Someone is abusing her. I don't know who, but please watch out for her. Keep her safe. We need more of her in this world, Im scared if no one stops it we wont have her at all." He looks up at me as I furrow my brows together. She would tell me... Right? Then I remember how she didn't tell me really anything with Damon.

"Why would she let anyone do that?" I think everyone here knows that this girl can handle herself, there is no way this is true. "Why do you even think that?"

"Headhunters would be only thing I can think of, people wanting a chance at the famous Phoenix. Some guys really get off on that and never give up. I have racked my brain trying to answer who, as far as why, just watch her awhile, you will see it to. Im going to stick around for a couple more parties. I have your back if you need help, other than that its all you. I think Im going to find someone to keep me warm tonight, your Queen is waiting." He walks off.

I look up seeing Nix waving me to her. I don't have it in me to keep her waiting. I watch as she sheds her jacket to the ground on her faithful pooch who seems startled. Immediately my pants tighten. I don't dance but for her, I am excited to make an exception. I am so whipped, and honestly happy to be. I wiggle my finger at her to which she runs to me. She leaps to me and I catch her raising her high in the air spinning her. Her hair dances in the wind, her neck stretching back mesmerizes me. The bon fire creates an intimate fight between light and shadow on her smooth skin. I think I'm in love. I pull her down to my embrace as she wraps her arms over my neck. How could anyone want to hurt someone so gentle? Dont get me wrong she is defiantly full of hellfire when provoked but her over all demeanor is gentle and graceful. I twirl her before pulling her back to me. I almost kiss her... almost. At remembering we arent alone I look up seeing Tyler and some blond grind to the music. "I want to dance like that." I tell her.

"Well I am positive there are plenty of girls here that would love your junk on their butts." She laughs with a slight roll of her eyes.

"Yet here I am completely smitten with one that won't." I smile.

"Go lick a pop tart." she giggles.

"Id rather lick you."

"Ewie, I'm sweaty." she crinkles her nose, in a way that adds youth to her elegant features.

"hmm," I lick her cheek. "yup pretty salty, slight hint of fish pee."

"Yuck!" she wipes her cheek of with exaggerated movements.

"whats your name?" I blurt out.

"Umm... It's Dayjanerah." My eyes widen.

"How the heck do you spell that?" I wonder out loud

"With a silent J." she pauses. "I guess its a traditional name from a tribe my descendants link back to," she shrugs. "I actually like it, but I got tired of people butchering it, so when kids tried to make fun of me for my birthmark, I kept the nick name." She smiles a pearly smile, and her eyes capture the moonlight. I feel my knees weaken.

Phoenix Rising (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now