Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After a long hot shower, I'm beginning to feel like a person again. My new bedroom has its own bathroom which I'm immensely grateful for. I'm able to dress quickly and be ready to get to school in less than an hour which makes Nana outrageously happy. I leave my stuff in bags all over the small tidy room. Its simple, a full bed with brown sheets and comforter, a dresser, a small closet, and a small desk in the corner. Much simpler than I'm used to. In California, I had a room the size of a small apartment, a walk-in closet, and a large bathroom complete with a jet tub. I had everything I could ever want, except family. My dad was a big shot music producer and buried himself in work after my mom died. Personally, I feel like I was the biggest thing he was avoiding. He thought buying me the world meant he needn't be around. I rebelled; bad attention was better than none. To be honest I'm slightly glad to be away from L.A. I've never had anyone around that cared about my wellbeing more than my image. Nana my not be the most affectionate person in the world but she has always made me feel wanted and genuinely loved with no attachments. I don't think I could want anything more than that. I walk to the full-length mirror in the bathroom for one last inspection. I style my hair up to soft spikes. I study my face and see how tired I look. Dark circles cradle my chocolate eyes, which cause my nose to look more pronounced on my face. My overall appearance is more on the rock side with the lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, green tipped hair, and tattoos but, well, I think it suits me. Even my plain black shirt and black cargo shorts match the look I've been sporting for years. I shake my head knowing I'm overthinking my appearance just because I'm overly tired. I grab my keys and start heading out for school.

I make it to the kitchen before Nana jumps in front of me. "Keys Evan," she demands, hand outstretched. "Your dad told me about your illegal racing endeavors in L.A. I'm not letting it happen here. Elliott will drop you off at school and you can take the bus home." Elliott walks in as she finishes her spew.

"No can do, Nana, I have a job in the city I have Dave driving me to the airport in about an hour, he's meeting me at the school. I told him I need to sign paperwork for Evan, but I was planning on riding with him and waiting on him there. He will have to drive the car home. Unless you plan on quitting drinking the rest of the day." Her eyes widen at his outrageous claim.

"Evan don't tell your dad, here are your keys. If I find out, you were racing I will total your car so bad even Bill Gates couldn't afford to fix it." I cringe knowing Nana well enough to know despite how small, slender, and kind she looks she could and would follow through with that threat.

"Yes, Nana." I toss my keys to Eliot. "You drive I'm taking a power nap on the way. I drove the whole way." He nods his head and out the door we go.

We settle in the car with an agreement to catch up properly after he gets back from Chicago. Sleep takes me almost instantaneously and I'm quickly engulfed in the warm fuzzy embrace of the same dream that's become so familiar. It's like a movie with the same actors but different scenes. Always fuzzy, too fuzzy to make out any true details. The main Character Red, I've nicknamed her because of the vibrant red color always surrounding her head, talks lazily to a boy that's around frequently in my dreams. I cant understand the words its distorted and seems to echo. Red stretches out and lays her head on the boy's lap as they continue to chat. I've studied Red in my dreams for a while, as well as the boy who is a frequent visitor in my brain movie. I decided a while back Red and this boy are no more than good friends. Nothing more than slight affection is ever shown between the two. It would be nice to have a friend of the opposite sex like that. Ive had girlfriends sure but never a girl to have a connection more than sexual with. It's strange but with Red, I have watched her enough the last five years to feel like I know her. It's hard to believe my imagination built her up so well, I've seen every emotion available to a person all through her body language and subtle pitches in her voice. I have never known anyone as well as I know Red, I guess it makes sense, since I subconsciously created her. A loud buzz slightly startles the boy and red shakes with laughter. He shoves her off balance slightly, but she recovers quickly with an uppercut to his abdomen, perfectly knocking the wind out of him. She skips away reminding me of a young child. He shakes his head and scampers away after her.

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