Chapter 4

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It's been an entire week and Hayes didn't say a word to me. Most girls would freak out but it doesn't matter really. Today is Friday and I'm walking home. As I'm walking I look around at nice houses and cars. I saw this really nice car so I took out my phone and took a picture of it. It was a five seating navy blue truck. It wasn't to bold which is cute. Well to me. I check to see if the picture came out okay but it didn't so I took it again. As I'm taking it a boy rushes out the store.
"Are you taking pictures of my license plate!!"

"No I'm taking a picture of the car. It's nice."

"I'm not playing around weirdo you better delete that"

"Woah Nash calm down" I hear a boy say to the boy who's obviously Nash.
"You're probably scaring her"

"I'm not scared" I say. Not to provoke him but simply because it was the truth.

"Whatever weirdo" I hear the Nash boy say.

I walk off to my house. When I get there I hear my mom.

"Shayla! How was school today?"

"I don't know good I guess"

"What about the boy?"

"He doesn't talk to me"

"Well Tyler is leaving at 4:00 which is soon so say bye, okay? I love you guys and I'll see you after work."

My mom is acting weird she's starting to talk to me a lot more. I walked upstairs and said bye to him. I went in my room to start my homework. After I finished it was about 5:30 and I went to change my clothes. I changed into a blue tank top with pajama shorts that are sea themed with mermaids on them. I then walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I sat there thinking about therapy and what Dr. Ing would say. My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell ringing. I got up and opened it. It was Hayes. What the hell does he want?

Emotions (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now