Chapter 12

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Shayla's POV:

A bunch of boys just followed me and now my phone is buzzing with comments likes and DM's. I don't know what I'm feeling but it's not a good one. It's 7:23 and Emily is coming over at 8:00 which is awesome because she's not shy she just doesn't like people but she likes me. It's was a weird way we met. It was the first day of school and I was just starting middle school and I was already getting picked on. I wore black jeans black long sleeve shirt and black Uggs. Every thing I wore was black. I didn't care what they said because it's only school. Other girls in my grade wore bright colors and booty shorts. At lunch I didn't eat because I've never felt like eating everyday was necessary. So I wandered around the school when I went to the bathroom I saw a girl standing there. We both aren't good with people so our conversation was weird.

"Why are you here?" I asked plainly

"Why do you sound like that?" She asked kinda laughing.

"Like what?"

" a robot?!" She busted out laughing.

"I don't. I sound normal..."

"What ever I'm Emily what's your name?" She put her hand out but it was shaking.

"...what were you doing in here?" I started looking around. I already knew because she bled through her blue shirt.

"Nothing I was just-"

"Just what?"

"Studying...for uhhh my test!"

"Nooo you were doing something you weren't supposed to do."

"You know nothing about me!"

"But I do know your book bag isn't in here your arm is swollen and blood is dripping down your wrist." After that she didn't say anything.

"I'll be your friend so you can stop..." I said lowly.

"Come on let's clean this up" I pulled her shirt sleeve up so I could clean it. I grabbed three towelettes and placed them on the sinks base. I grabbed the first one put in under the sink and dabbed slowly on her fresh cuts. I looked at her and she looked down ashamed. I grabbed the second one to dry the cuts. Then I wiped the blood off the side of the wall and sink. I then went into my book bag and pulled out another black shirt and gave it to her. She took it and told me to turn around. I did for a second but then I turned around and she had cuts all up her arm. I quickly turned around and push my face in my hands.

"I'm done!" She said as she was getting her head through the opening. "But I don't wanna go in there" she said referring to the cafeteria.

"Let's go." I said grabbing my book bag and walking out.
We walked in there together and went straight to the back table that was the furthest from everyone else. And that's where we sat ever since then. Emily officially stopped cutting in December of that year. And she regained her confidence. Now we are best friends and that's never gonna change.

Emily walked in screaming "I'm home bitches!!!"

"It's just bitch because it's only me."

"Oh shit...okay let's order pizza."

"Okay but let me tell you about the 'date'"

"Ohh yeah!"

"He took me to some coffee shop and the beach and I kissed him on his cheek!"

"Doesn't seem like much."

"It was perfect to me!"

"Soo you didn't go to therapy?"

"No and I don't plan on it. They said I have schizoid personality disorder and they gave me pills. I'm not taking them because I don't have that stuff."

"Shayla they trying to kill you" she said laughing.

"Okay okay let's order the pizza. I'll be back." I started walking up stairs when I heard "Shayla Why are you getting DM's from the popular guys?"

"What do you me- hello can I make an order for delivery? Yeah can I get two large pies, sprite, and lava cakes please? Yes thank you bye. Now what were you saying Em?"

"Ya Cameron Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, Shawn Mendes. All of them are popular."

"I never saw them and I never opened the DM's"

"Open them!"

I opened them and they were really ugly selfies. The one with the boy who's user name is @taylorcaniff had hayes in the background. I responded to all of them and then the pizza got here so we just ate dinner and watched movies all night.

Emotions (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now