"You do, now?!" Eliza laughs. She loved it when Emily showed her playful side. She got out plates and they all proceeded to fill them up before heading into the living room. They then retrieve their respective bottles of wine, fit with the bendy straws.

"Alright lil baddie, give us the scoop on date 2.0," Penelope says.

"What do you wanna know?" Eliza says, starting to get nervous. How exactly does she hide that she didn't see too much besides her bedroom ceiling last night?

"Everything," JJ says. "Was the setting just as romantic?"

"Oh yeah, it was super nice again, the candles, the little string lights, the weather, the—"

"Wait wait, the WEATHER? What the hell does that have to do with it?" Emily asks. "Unless..." There's a pause.

"OHHHHHH!!!!" Penelope says. "Did—did you all not...MAKE IT to dinner?!"

Eliza blushes and sips her wine bottle.

"My God, who knew that sweet lil dress could do so much?" Penelope says.

"Well it sadly has been laid to rest...he uh...he kinda ripped it..." Eliza confesses softly, eyes darting to her feet.

"Are you serious?!" JJ and Emily say at the same time. "HOW?!"

"I have NO idea. But I'd happily rip another to be fucked like that again." Eliza says, sipping more wine.

"So where does he rank in your sex-capades? Top 10? Top 20?" Penelope asks.

"Damn P, what do you think my body count is?!"

"Well I mean you're a SUPERMODEL; I just assume everybody wants a piece! So, where does he rank?"

"What I'm about to say is in the VAULT, right?!"

"One-hundo," Penelope chimes.

Eliza clears her throat. "Alright," she takes a deep breath. "Best I've ever had."

"Best you've ever had?!" Emily says.

"Sir yes SIR!!!" Penelope cheers and salutes. Everyone laughs and continues to drink. They chat about all kinds of different things, including Penelope's newfound passion for the ukulele and Emily's newest pictures of Sergio, until they all finish their respective bottles. Eliza goes to stand up and is a good level of dizzy.

"Oh, SHIT!" She says, suddenly laughing hysterically, which makes everyone else laugh until they get to the strong, silent kind of laughing, which just keeps the cycle going.

"Why are we laughing so much?" JJ says, in between breaths.

"I don't even know!" Eliza responds, pouring more wine into hers and everyone else's glasses she's brought over.

"You-you-you know what would be FUN?!?! Let's call the boys!!!" Penelope says, still laughing.

"Ok ok, but we gotta skip Aaron #1 for *obvious* reasons," Emily slurs.

"Oh no no no, I will handle that one. Here I go, bitches!!!" Eliza giggles, finishing her glass before calling Aaron and putting it on speaker.

"Eliza, no! Eliza, no!" Emily says, climbing on Eliza trying to get the phone out of her hands, but it doesn't work. Aaron soon picks up.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hello yourself," Eliza slurs before starting to laugh silently again, which makes everyone else do the same.

"E...are you drunk?"

"Did you just call her E?!?!" Penelope shouts. JJ and Emily put their fingers to their lips to tell Penelope to kindly shut up.

"Who's with you?"

"I'll give you three guesses...which is kinda easy because there's only three other people here," Eliza says.

"Ahhh, I see...I forgot it was girls' night," Aaron plays along.

"What a great memory you have, A-a-ron...just like baby boy wonder. Such a big brain. It pairs very well with your big d—"

Emily gasps and hangs up the phone before Eliza can finish her thought. Meanwhile, JJ and Penelope are rolling laughing. "Hello—hell-...where did he go?! Aaron???" Eliza says into the phone.

"Eliza!! Do you know what you just said?" JJ says.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't a motherfuckin' FACT!" Eliza insists.

"Oh dear God," Emily laughs. "Can we call someone else now, please?"

The girls soon notice Penelope has called Derek. "Hello, motherfucker," Penelope slurs.

"Is it girls' night again already??? Hello, ladies," Derek says.

"Hello beautiful," Eliza says, still drunk. "Did you know you're not our first call?"

"Well I'll be damned; who has me beat?!"

"Your unit chief," Eliza says.

"Oh Lord lil mama; what did you do?"

"Oh you know, nothing I won't be doing again...LITERALLY," Eliza says.

"Eliza!!!!" Emily says.

"Oh God, did I do it again?!" Eliza giggles.

"It's him calling her E for me!!!" Penelope says.

"Really?! Would you look at that?! Hotch is a bigger softie than we thought," Derek says.

"I make that man putty in my hands, believeeeee me," Eliza drawls.

"Alright, alright, that's enough. But don't you worry lil mama; your secret is safe with me," Derek says, laughing. "Do your future selves a favor and drink some water."

"No <3," Eliza says. "Goodnight, Chocolate Thunder."

"Goodnight, ladies." They hang up.

"Do you think he's gonna be mad??" Eliza asks.

"A little. But if you do whatever you did to get your dress ripped again, I'd say he'll change his tune," Penelope says.

"Well then I'd better buy another dress...and pick up my birth control tomorrow." Eliza says. They all pause before laughing again.

"Come on, let's watch a movie," Emily says.

"I'll make the popcorn!" JJ says.

The girls pop on one of their favorites, Bridesmaids. It ends, and everyone but Eliza is asleep. It's only midnight, so she reaches her phone to text Aaron, having since sobered up.

"Are you awake?"

"I am," he replies.

"Can I call you?"

"Sure," he replies, and Eliza steps into the hall.

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