sukuna - maybe if the circumstances were different, we could've been

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His deep red eyes scanned the crowd filled with vibrant-coloured gowns that swayed to the melody of the violin, brushing softly against his legs as he shoved his way through the heaps of people dancing in endless circles. Their masquerade masks hid their eyes and Sukuna was grateful for that, fixing the ruby mask on his face. This way, it was easier to sneak his way into the ball without revealing his identity : a sly, felonious criminal.

Finally spotting a certain white gown adorned with golden lace and white pearls, Sukuna couldn't help but smirk smugly at sight of the girl shunning away another young man, declining their offers to dance yet again. He let out a dark chuckle that didn't fail to capture the girl's attention, her head turning towards his voice. Although her eyes were hidden by the golden mask, Sukuna felt her longing gaze directed to him. He snaked an arm around her waist, bringing her close to his chest as her gown flushed against his own white suit ( one he had managed to obtain after threatening an innocent man in the washroom into trading his clothes. )

"She's dancing with me." Sukuna said menacingly, sending the young man a glare through his mask as his sharp teeth peeked through his smiling lips. The man shivered in fear, scurrying away into the crowd like a frightened deer.

"How kind of you to save me, my knight in shining armour." the girl mused, leading him into the center of the dance floor. "Perhaps, I'll take up your offer."

Sukuna grumbled as they danced and swayed to the waltz, gaining the attention of the people around them.

"You know that I don't like attention, princess." he hissed, feeling the curious gazes burning his back. She only giggled, immersing herself into the music that echoed throughout the ballroom.

"Oh, please, Sukuna." she hummed. Sukuna dipped her body, wrapping his arms around the small of her back as she wrapped an arm around his neck, the other extending out in a flamboyant manner, her delicate fingers fluttering outwards. When the violin picked up its pace, Sukuna lifted her back up, waltzing effortlessly across the marble floor. At this point, everyone around them had stopped what they were doing, instead, watching as the princess danced with an unknown man.

She brought her lips close to his ear, close enough that Sukuna could feel her breath hitting his skin, making him shiver in delight.

"You say that, yet your face is plastered on the wanted posters all across the kingdom.." she purred in his ear. "You're nothing but an attention seeker, if you ask me, my love."

Sukuna grinned at her words. She was right. Days and nights were spent stealing, wreaking havoc, even murder, yet the princess was never appalled. The moment her eyes had met his in the middle of the streets, through the windows of the carriage as he hid in the narrow alleyways, she had felt some sort of pull at her heartstrings, feeling herself being drawn in with those crimson eyes of his. She was on the way to a ball that night too, and he followed, curious at the way she chose to ignore that fact that he was the most wanted criminal in the kingdom. She didn't even stop the carriage to inform the guards tailing behind on their horses, but what really piqued his interest was the way her finger motioned for him to come with, to chase her.

That night, he had also snuck into the ball, catching her standing on the balcony alone, as if she was waiting for him.

What a strange princess.

"But you like it, the thrill of this.." Sukuna whispered in her ear. His hands gripped her waist teasingly, rubbing small circles with his thumb. "Wouldn't want them finding out now, would we though, Princess ___?"

His words only spurred her on, he knew that for a fact by the way her cheeks flushed, a crazed smile crawling up her lips as she lets out a breathy laugh.

"Well what if I do?" she asked, leaning closer to his lips. Sukuna could only grin back, holding her closer to him, their movements coming to a stop.

"Then let's show them who you belong to.."

Their lips collided in a heated manner, lips dancing together as gasps of surprise filled the ballroom. Sukuna moaned at the feeling of her arms snaking around his neck, tugging at his pink hair harshly - a little harsher than usual, he noticed. Sudden heavy footsteps were heard stomping against the marbled floor, the clanking of metal and a loaded gun reaching Sukuna's sharp ears. He flinched, parting his lips from the princess.

Before the both of them could gasp for air, ___ pulled him back, sealing their lips even more passionately as she held his head with a strong grip, their masks knocking against each other. This caused his red mask to tilt slightly, but enough to reveal his eyes and enough for him to catch sight of the gun being pointed at him.

Hastily, Sukuna jerked his lips away from hers in a panicked manner before wrapping his arms around ___ protectively, facing his back towards the gun.

"___!" he gasped, hiding the girl in his embrace. In a matter of seconds, Sukuna heard the trigger pull, the bullet drilling his back. It burned, and he groaned as he felt several more bullets enter his body, blood seeping through the white fabric of his suit.

"Fuck!" he hissed, feeling his knees grow weak. Sukuna felt a familiar set of fingers removing his mask away from his face, the light from the chandeliers blinding his vision before focusing on the girl looking up at his pained expression.

"Sukuna, my love.." she mumbled, but he noticed the lack of remorse in her voice. She ripped his arms away from her smaller frame, making Sukuna lose his balance and fall to his knees before her. Removing her own mask, Sukuna's eyes widened at her cold eyes, an ominous smile etched on her lips.

"Princess.. what..?" he choked out before coughing up blood onto her white dress, staining it red. ___ sighed disappointedly, kneeling in front of him as the guards took hold of his arms violently. His eyes widened in utter shock as tears pooled in his eyes; the pain of the bullets burning in his back was nothing compared to the pain of betrayal that the princess had caused him.

What a fucking fool I am, he thought, red eyes meeting her own (colour) ones that watched him fall limp into the hands of her guards.

___ cupped his chin gently, placing a soft kiss against his bloodied ones, making Sukuna rage and bite the girl's lips, causing her own blood to mix with his. ___ never flinched.

Pulling away, ___ wiped the blood trickling down her chin, smearing it in the process while she licked at the substance. It tasted like iron, and it wasn't very pleasant. Still, she liked it.

"You fucking bitch.." Sukuna growled lowly, his sharp glare piercing through her soul. "I thought you loved me! But I guess I'm just a fucking fool, huh?!"

___ stood back up and shot him an apologetic smile, a forced one that made Sukuna's blood boil in anger.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Sukuna." she said, patting her bloodied dress nonchalantly. "I truly did love you, but the circumstances can't bring us together.."

___ turned away and sauntered towards the exit of the ballroom as the people made way for her. Before she could exit, she turned back to glance at Sukuna, a frown on her lips.

"Maybe in another lifetime."

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