I can't carry this anymore

Comenzar desde el principio

-Corbyn's P.O.V- 

As I got into the taxi, I told the man where to go, and tried to distract my mind. 

Every part of me felt disgusting, and I was beginning to worry about Daniel. Wouldn't he have called by now. 

I bite my lip harshly as the memories swarm me. 

I hate this.


As soon as the taxi pulled in I quickly pay the man before getting out the taxi. Wincing when pain shoots through me. 

I open the door to the house and see all the boys sitting around the table, they all look up when they hear the door open and I feel relief flood me, knowing I'm safe, and I can get help. But that all changes when they send me death glares and shake their heads. Daniel doesn't even look up at me and I frown even deeper. I was going to ask why they were all acting like that when I remember everything that happened, and the urge to remove the filth from me grows stronger. 

Rushing past them, or at least trying as the pain is still strong I get up to my room and go straight into the shower. I set it to its highest temperature and sit on the floor as the water runs over me. 

Tears soon mix with the water as I begin to question everything. 

Was it my fault? 

Did I deserve this? 

Would Daniel forgive me? 

Do I even want to be alive anymore?

Grabbing the soap I begin to scrub at my skin, wanting it all to disappear. The dread, the hatred, the pain, everything. Just gone. 


I spent a good hour in the shower, but I still feel disgusting. My skin is raw under the hoodie, which is Daniels, as it gives me at least a little comfort. But my thoughts don't seem to want to calm down, I feel like I'm beginning to drown under them all, and soon I won't be able to catch my breath before I'm pulled back under. 

Slowly I walk into the kitchen where they all still are and try to stop my tears. 

"Guys, can I- can I talk to you?" I whisper, my voice sounds small and, broken. 

Zach huffs a little and looks at Jack who rolls his eyes in my direction before turning to Zach. 

Jonah glares at me and puts his arm around Daniel, who looks at me in disgust before looking to Jonah. 

Suddenly I feel like i'm suffocating, why are they being like this. I didn't- I didn't do anything wrong. 

"Please talk to me- I don't, please." I say, tears now falling from my eyes. 

Jonah turns to me with the worst glare i've ever seen him do; and it's aimed right at me. "Corbyn, fuck off, you actually disgust us." He snaps before turning back to Daniel. 

'You deserve it, you fucking deserve to die.' My mind screams at me, as I look down with tears in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper before walking out, knowing they obviously don't want me around. 

I lock myself in my room as tears fall heavily down my face, and thoughts and flashbacks consume me. 


Two days had passed of them ignoring me, and giving me mean looks. Honestly, I'm giving up. I sleep an hour, maximum through the night as I wake up from a nightmare. I feel so worthless and no one seems to care if I wasn't around anymore, in fact it would probably be better if I wasn't. 

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