Belligerent Death Vows

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I sit in place of standing

No place of understanding

My whole hand is at my own throat

Five fingers down Im beginning to choke

Cough up, all is well

Decisions I made bringing only me to hell

Five perfect choices

Bite hard, clear all the noises

Puke on my flannel

Vomit on your sundress 

 Thoughts hard to channel

Eyes in distress

Pick me up, look me down

Spit out the fingers, swallow it down

Match go out, flame burn high

Patchy skin, bubble and dry

The ring on my present finger

Fashion choice or woman beater?

Its not close, not close at all

All of my limbs, clothes for the dolls

Measurements in wordy defiance

All of my rage sewn to a page

Words words, tattooed sentences

Cutting them out, bloody preferences  

Cheat me, will you death?

Refusing to take a single breath

Long live the bastards silence

Longing for end, the deterrence 

Chewing on the teeth of my nails

Disfigured, prohibited from sales

 My coffin burned, built without nails

Stuck in one spot, without any trails

Coffin thief, often weak

Day after day, Im waiting for the peak

Im biting into hope without teeth

Creative Writing With The Same ThoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora