The Top Of The Stairs

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Did you think of other options?

The hole you're looking down

I know your life is fleeting

Everything's repeating

Make a choice

I can see steps have been replaced

You didn't try to make more space

Instead you stopped at the top 

Went back down and now you're staring

Back at the bottom, the bottom of the barrel

The flower petal, lifted with the wind

Replace the soft with metal, free me from within

But you repair just to stare, down at me

I could show you the marks

What I did in front of you

You copy what I do

To replay the image

I'm hoping that you trip

My mind is famished

If I pull this trigger

Can I capture the finger

Letting go

Will I pass your soul? 

Or were you dragging me, beneath the sea, of covered bodies

That the lucky ones were on top

If I pull it first

I wont ever see you drop

My comforts in 

The removal of your sin

Creative Writing With The Same ThoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ