Lyrical Nonsense

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Your holy expression, your beauty to the touch

I know I dont say it, but I love you, very much

If words could describe, the feelings inside

Perhaps Id mutter more, than Im always satisfied 

Simplicity in the things I know

Linguistically incapable to show

How fun would it be

To know the german word for tea?

Live and laugh at all the nonsense 

Love and learn from all the moments

The little things Id do

Proof of loving you

All in all the headspace seems to shrink and grow

You make me feel so high when the thoughts were so low

How do I thank you for giving me your love?

An ear to tell for all the things you may be thinking of

Blessings be what blessings are

Loving you from ten feet far

All the things I wish I could 

All it brings is feeling good

Ill have something new to show you soon

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