Early Dawn

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Can you feel the liberation? 

Holding tight as a sound

To strip of circulation 

To make your head go down

Youre pretty fired up

Im pretty tired now

What say we walk around

All over town

Theres rubble in the streets 

Houses tumbling down

Theres fire in the eyes

of the town

Jealous they are for what we hold

No presents to offer

Invisible gold

Well what a mockery

All of them fallen on their corroded property

What a miracle we hold

to be withheld 

My house is gone my kids are dead

Yeah for sure I am upset

A day for the books

All is lost just yet

The stone has turned, its set

What we wish to forget

Focus on the beam

Focus on the dream

The sweat pouring down that strangers face 

And yeah I know he'd be embraced

So focus on my face

This town is such a waste

But it can be replaced or just erased, from the confines of your mind

I remember waking up

Too lazy to dirty yet another cup

Too disgusted to drink from the one I dirtied yesterday

Remember when I withered away?

Remember all the things you used to say

So theyre sitting in a dark dark room

So its dark in the middle of noon

So the flowers wilted in June

I guess next year we'll make it up to you

Somewhere far far away

We were hoping for this day

Somewhere so far gone

It was easier to yawn

The I love yous will bubble on and on

We'll drone on and on

We'll march on and on

And the sky will flicker back at you

Before you leave us, early dawn 

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