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Sharp edges captivate you, define a picture

The sharp pangs of pain seem like getting stabbed and being stuck with the memory

The memory is engrained in your mind, blocking out the answers for things you need to recall

The pain is what matters now as it pulsates your brain, especially so when your brain throbs with pain on the second

You expect it, you concentrate, now is the phantom pain

You relax, it comes back, the instincts do too, as you fall suddenly to the ground, akin to a broken teacup

You are in pieces as the mind hurts, and it wonders as to why

Sometimes the instincts come so suddenly, and you pull out lumps of hair before you can realize your insane actions

Vividly, you try to express a picture, a metal block to the pain where all thoughts derive

If you hold you head a while longer the pain will tire itself out, because what part of you wouldn't tire after a few minutes of attention grabbing?

Mind in pieces, hair in lumps, and yet there is a piece of hair on top of the lump of brain

Push back your eyes with your thumbs, the knuckles on closed eyelids, it hurts to see

Scream, kick, go serious in actions most would assume unnecessary, but to you a cure for pain

Aggression from pain no one did to you, but your own body

Anger has a way of travelling

You say you're just tired and sad, but I can see there's always anger lingering and the cause of such things

Let the hate go, but what comes after is always the symptoms of distress and the feeling of being miserable

The tears flow as soon as hate seems to disperse

Are you more concentrated with how you are feeling than the pain or problem at hand now?

Does the pathetic position of balling up make you feel safe in your mind?

Its instinct, but how does that help the pain on the inside?

Sleep it off since it keeps you awake

Do some work since you want so desperately to sleep and are simply unable to focus

No, you go and gnaw on your fingernails like the intelligent and sophisticated being you have evolved to be

If you are incapable of being comfortable as well as being productive perhaps it's time to fantasize about death, since surely you can not overcome this heavy burden of pain

Where does the mind go when it's in pain? Must it always be death? Do you die or do you purposefully commit the act of ending yourself?

Go ahead think of another way out, I'm sure you're in the right state of mind to think rationally, or at all

Can you hear those high pitch sounds that strike the most sensitive nerves of your migraine?

Something is playing a song for you, you selfish bastard

Wince in pain and scream the last bit of energy you have at something that was never aware of your condition

The eyes are fluttering so beautifully, the pain in them is as delightful as the shine of your hair in the sweat you produced from your painful tossing and turning

There's a moment of silence, you breathe, but there's always a throb after~ 

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