Help Is A Cry

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The vindictive sounds were like no one expected

The calm demeanor of the menace

The kid with a burn marks on his skin

A hideous monster full of sin

A cigarette placed firmly between his lips

Panicking and releasing the confessions to his fridge

"Im going to kill myself tonight to spite and forfeit the pointless fight"

Theres no room to change if it all ends the same

Got shotgun bullets hidden in the truck

Would tie a noose and squirm if the panic didnt suck

The ones who reject sought to perfect the imperfections

Why we didn't like you is who we choose to be

"That fake ass smile creeps me sheathe your teeth"

The boy is antsy the boy is erratic

Almost for sure he knows he'll end up in static

They care not for whom they burn

The day he rots he knows it will turn

"You wanna yearn me?"

"Well you'll all learn see"

"Death is forever, you'll never get to keep me"

The principle at his old school

Had a knack for being a tool

"I hear you're a druggie and you burden the people"

He's trying to get better but everyone's deceitful

Used to be religious and prayed for a companion

Feeling so lonely he'd blow his head off with a cannon

The lowest of the low left him without their condolences

Lowest of the lowest never blew him kisses

He goes to swing at opportunity, but always misses

Scream it out

When you're fighting with yourself

Hold it in

Write a book about your feelings, put it on the shelf

Poor little boys finally going to do it!

Having second thoughts?

Better push through it!

The thought of separation from your lifeless body

It's so exciting and dirty, it's a bit naughty

Can you feel the existential dread?

Without it you'd already be dead!

Your life's fighting a battle your spirit just won't

Halfway through the hanging. noose got your throat?

The people dancing around you truly have no clue

How they and you put hell around you

There's one way out if everything fails

Suicide rates high

And it always kills 

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