the way words fall from his lips like petals on flowers - 6

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a/n: slight sexual themes? idk what boners count as, the first chapter back from the hiatus and we're already touching on boners. ha touching. my humor is immature i apologize

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

Tomura sat on his bed, your shoulders brushing against his as you watched the handheld console's screen illuminate with the game screen.

The game Toga had given you to give to him was some sort of RPG, as Tomura had described. Whatever it meant, Tomura seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. 

Watching as he held the device in his hands delicately, pinkies raised on each hand carefully, so he didn't decay the precious game console.

You watched the screen intently, trying to understand it as Tomura played. The more you unconsciously leaned onto him as the game's captivating aura pulled you in, the more anxious Tomura seemed to get.

The sudden urge to scratch at his neck became almost unbearable after fifteen minutes of you practically laying on him while you watched him play. It was not you making him uncomfortable, he wasn't uncomfortable at all.

It was just the presence of you, a girl, laying on him. He wasn't used to it. And it wasn't meant to be anything even remotely intimate, you seemed very interested in the game more than Tomura to even notice what you were doing, let alone what you were doing to him.

Tomura quickly saved the game and turned it off before jumping up and stomping his way to his bathroom.

You took the time to stretch and admire his room. It was dark and matched his personality, everything seemed so malevolent, but at the same time, you could tell it was the room of a young adult, still trying to find themself.

Tomura grunted as he stared in the dusty mirror. The tent in his pants was uncomfortable. He didn't want to deal with this right now. How could something so simple and innocent give him a boner?

It wasn't even like he was trying to get one. His hormones were swarming him as he just tried to clear his head. From inside the bathroom, he could hear you shuffle around on your feet, he just hoped you weren't snooping through anything related to the league.

Carefully flipping through the stack of cartridges of what you were assumed were more video games, a few caught your eye with their flashy packaging.

On the other side of the door, Tomura was gripping the dirty marble counter as he so desperately tried to kill his boner. Thinking of anything that would un-satisfy him, he thought back to more work with the league. Within a few minutes he was beginning to feel a bit better, but now with the league on his head, he was frustrated.

Emerging from the bathroom, Tomura noticed you were sitting in front of his tv stand, reading the back of one of his older video games.

"Didn't you ever learn that it's rude to snoop?" Tomura groaned, quickly snatching the game cartridge from your hands and setting it back in its original spot on the shelf.

"Sorry." You apologized and rose to your feet, glancing back at the game console on his bed.

"Are you gonna-"

"No. I've got work I need to do." Tomura brushed past you, quickly leaving you alone in his room. You could only wonder what his problem was.

Heading back into your room, you decided to text Dabi, someone from the league who clearly showed some interest in you.

(y/n) 4:02 pm
Hey, this is Dabi, right?

Dabi 4:04 pm
sup gorgeous, to what do i owe such a pleasure?

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