back to breakfast across from one another - 20

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a/n: chapter 20, smut coming soon uwu this chapter is kinda short i apologize 

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As dawn broke through the windows, casting its sunkissed glow across the dusty wooden floors, Shigaraki peeked his eyes open to gaze at your sleeping figure.

Two rather uncomfortable wraps remained around your wrists, helping align them for the healing process. You'd had trouble sleeping at first, and it was frustrating, just trying to get comfortable as you tossed and turned, eventually sobbing against Shigaraki as you just wanted to get some sleep.

You'd finally fallen asleep, and Shigaraki was happy to see that you'd slept through the night. You looked so peaceful, so calm, so comfortable. He didn't want to wake you up in fear of you having the same trouble falling back asleep.

But he nudged your shoulder, leaning his chin down on your upper arm to lay against your shoulder.

You opened your eyes and gazed down at the white-haired male, giving him a small smile as you kissed the bridge of his nose.

"Good morning." It was domestic waking up beside him like a married couple. You half expected to hear the laughing and giggling of children, but you'd boiled the other footsteps down to the rest of the league who had crashed here overnight.

Shigaraki nuzzled into your warmth, closing his eyes as he pressed his lips to your skin. It was soft and sultry. He was just happy to have you by his side again. He'd missed you. It was unlike him to be so domestic, but if this was what he had been missing his entire life, he never wanted to lose it again.

It was love. It was the feeling of being wanted, being needed, being craved. You were taking care of him just as he was for you.

"Are you hungry?" He mumbled against your skin as you nodded, letting a quiet groan out. You lifted your arms to try and get out of bed. You weren't completely helpless, but it didn't hurt to have Shigaraki help out.

At the table, Kurogiri had already prepared a big breakfast for everyone to munch on. Shigaraki took his regular spot across from you. 

You could barely lift the fork with the delicious breakfast Kurogiri had fixed. You were able to lean down and eat without having to move your hands much at all. But Shigaraki could tell it was beginning to frustrate you.

Sighing, he stood and swung his chair around beside yours, pulling his plate beside you and munching on bites in between helping you.

Ignoring the league's teasing and cheering, Shigaraki would feed you a bite of food, and while you chewed he'd eat some of his own food. The maybe not so obvious heat on your face was definitely there for you. It wasn't embarrassing, but it made you flustered just how soft Shigaraki was being toward you.

When breakfast was done and all gone, Shigaraki led you back to his bed, letting you lay against his chest while he turned on his handheld console.

"I missed this." You said softly, snuggling under the cozy warm blankets he'd tossed over your legs. Shigaraki kissed the top of your head and just hummed, the soft chiming of the game's music filling the air.

It was such a soothing tune. It was comforting. It was familiar, it was home. Being in Shigaraki's arms was home. Being in his bed, under his covers, laying on what he called his favorite pillow, was home.

Being back with someone who was stubborn but genuine at heart, was where you were meant to be. You couldn't have asked for a better place to stay. For a better person to be with.

Maybe things had been rocky at first, but now, it had proven to be a foundation for what had been built. The friendship, the relationship, the love, the bond that had been made.

Turning to place a kiss on his lips, you smiled at Shigaraki as you leaned in.

"I love you." You whispered as you pulled away, laying your head on his chest as you watched him play as the familiar little character you watched him make.

"I love you too." Shigaraki responded, a small smile on his own lips.

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word count: 722

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