you're so golden - 12

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Opening your eyes, you were at ease when you realized you weren't back at your mother's cottage. You'd dreamt you'd wound back up there somehow and woke yourself up.

You were still on Twice's couch, covered with a small blanket, a simple pillow resting behind your head. Across from you in a beat-up armchair was Shigaraki, sound asleep with his legs stretched out in front of him, arms crossed over his chest as a simple blanket rested over his body as well. You assumed Twice probably covered the two of you up around the same time.

Your ankle was still in pain, and now you could feel just how bad it felt. The adrenaline had numbed most of the pain, but it had all come back now. Sitting up carefully, you could hear the shifting of someone behind you.

Whipping your head around you noticed Twice, wearing a simple grey tank top and darker grey sweatpants. He wore his mask which looked out of place but you decided not to question it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly, trying not to disturb Shigaraki, who was still asleep. He'd fallen asleep shortly after he'd gotten there, not wanting to bug you. 

Twice insisted he stay in case you woke up, which you hadn't. 

It was still dark out, considering you'd run into Twice around seven o'clock, it was only about one in the morning. The few hours you'd passed out for had allowed you to at least settle down some. But you still felt on edge.

"I'm a little better." You whispered, looking at Shigaraki. You wanted him to wake up, but you didn't want to bother him. 

Twice moved to the kitchen to get you some coffee and during that time you reflected. How had you become like this? In a couple of weeks, you'd changed completely again.

What happened? What made you do this, or feel like this? You wanted to go back to hanging around Shigaraki and watching him play his handheld console. You wanted to go back to sitting beside him at the dinner table while Kurogiri tried his best to not interrupt your conversations.

You missed him. You missed Shigaraki, the man who had openly claimed he was going to do nothing but use you. And for a while, you believed that was true, but clearing your mind, he was the one who tried to stop you from leaving.

He warned you, he tried to stop you, but you didn't listen. You were foolish to chase after the woman who was your mother. And you owed him an apology for at least that.

When Twice returned, he handed you the hot cup, careful as to not burn your hand when you grabbed it. 

"Thank you." You said quietly, glancing back at Shigaraki before rising to your feet and carefully stepping over to the window.

You sipped the hot drink, trying to ignore the dull ache in your ankle as you watched people walk on the street below. 

In the meantime, Shigaraki had finally opened his eyes, adjusting to the moonlight as it poured in through the window you stood by. Noting that you weren't on the couch where he'd last seen you before he dozed off himself, he quickly looked around for you.

His vermillion eyes landed on you by the window, a deep red colored mug resting in your palms. There you were. And for a few seconds, the world stood still as he looked at you.

Focusing on you, you were quiet, and still. Your hands looked dainty as they held the mug, your fingers wrapping around the ceramic carefully, clinging to it as it heated your hands, steam rising from the contents inside.

In the moonlight, you seemed to glow, but whether it was actually you or Shigaraki's freshly opened eyes playing tricks on him, sleep still caked in the inner corner of his eyes, he rubbed them carefully, not wanting to waste a precious second of admiring you.

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