when the pain is unbearable - 19

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a/n: things are escalating dsdkgkjdg

warnings for this chapter: mentions of death, violence, blood/slight gore, angst, pissing in a bottle, manipulation

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There are moments when you're in pain that everything becomes numb. When your body has either given up or a rush of adrenaline causes you to keep going because your life depends on it.

But there are moments, right before the numbness, when the pain is unbearable.

And these, these are those moments.

Watching the love of your life suffer right in front of you, taking everything you should've been given. Watching as the evil woman who called herself your mother stabbed a knife into his side.

Your wrists bound together by chains, you were completely and utterly helpless, sobbing as you watched Shigaraki's life drain before you with every drop of blood that stained the floor that he laid on.

"This is what he deserves. You will never see this monster again." Your mother rushed over to you.

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

8 hours earlier

Shigaraki was preparing to begin his journey. Ready, dressed for the occasion, he had an idea of where you might be. It was a deterrent. But he knew all too well, especially since it was you. 

Kurogiri couldn't get him there. He'd have to start from scratch. Finding the original location was easier said than done. It was secluded, he knew this for a fact. Nothing looked familiar to him no matter how many pictures of forests he looked up in Japan.

Kurogiri had other work to do, but Shigaraki assured him that it was fine. Kurogiri would lend his assistance once you returned, and Shigaraki was fine with that, Kurogiri had already given him some good information. 

Once he found the place, it was a matter of getting there.

Spinner drove him there, along with Twice and Dabi at his side. The trip was long, much longer than Shigaraki would've wanted, but it was better than going on foot, or risking being caught using public transportation.

So a four-hour car ride was tolerable.

"I gotta piss." Dabi mumbled in the silence. There was still about an hour to go before they reached the relative location, and then it was trekking through the forest until they found the tower. 

"Hold it." Shigaraki wasn't stopping. Everyone had gone to the bathroom before the trip, and he didn't make any plans on stopping.

"I've been holding it for the past hour. I wasn't even supposed to be going on this mission."

"Well you're here, so deal with it." Shigaraki whipped his head around to glare at Dabi in the back.

A quiet smack sound filled the air as Spinner tossed an empty water bottle in the backseat, it hitting Dabi in the face.

"Make do, and don't get it on my fucking floor mats." Spinner cursed, slightly disgusted by the thought of Dabi about to piss in a bottle to stop them from pulling over.

"Don't look." Dabi said smugly, tugging the zipper down on his pants, whipping out his dick to piss.

The silence was filled with the riveting sound of Dabi filling up the bottle by emptying his bladder. It was disgusting. Midway through, Shigaraki rolled his window down to rid the smell that had begun to fill the car.

"Take a sip, asswipe." Dabi teased, shaking the bottle near Shigaraki.

"I'll kill you." Shigaraki grumbled, pressing himself to his door to get away from Dabi. Dabi rolled his own window down and tossed the bottle out. Letting the wind hit his face, he felt relieved.

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