Crawl Space

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Crawl Space

A Nightmare

I was in a really old house with three friends, Tegan, Claire, and Peter. We were hiding from a werewolf in one of those crawl spaces underneath the stair case. But it was bigger than a crawl space should be. The low ceiling led into a shelter/bunker like room.

Tegan lit something so that we could  see, but the door of the room starts shaking. A witch with a twisted face dissolves into the room and we all scatter to hide behind something. I found a weapon of some kind (a bat I think) and I swung it with all my might.

The witch ghost was not physically affected by my attempt but I heard the words "You have shown true courage you will not die, but your friends are cowards" she then disappeared.

The thing that Tegan lit (looks a bit like a tree) bursts into flames but not fully. There was a dark black spot in the middle that wasn't burning. We didn't know what it meant but me and  Peter friend leave the crawl space to try and find a way out of the house.

Suddenly Peter and I are being chased by the werewolf thing. We end up stabbing it but not killing it. It goes away momentarily.
The two of us spot a large moving truck for our escape, but the inside is laid out almost exactly like the bunker hidden under the staircase in the house. (dream).

We rush back inside and grab our friends.

Unfortunately the witch ghosts followed us out.

The werwolf ends up being inside the moving truck but it's no longer one, it's two.

We all hide as Claire hops into the driver seat and floors it away from the house.

My hiding spot was a horrible choice.. I'm onsthe step up platform for loading the vehicle. I'm not even technically inside when Claire takes off.

The werewolves are on one side of me and ghosts are on the other.

One wolf got too close to me and I managed to grabbed it and threw it over the side of the truck. It skidded down the road on its face down before deflating.

Peter kicked the second werwolf over the side, it landed on the top of its head and with a crack and died.

The ghost witches have now caught up with us and the inside of the moving truck now looks exactly like the crawl space, they materialize through the "door". The three of us stay hidden.

As we leave the property the witches materialize fully and we were able to see how twisted their faces are. From my spot near the ledge, I was able to toss a witch out of the vehicle where she burst into flames in mid air (because we are not on the property anymore),

Unfortunately I was now dangling outside of the truck barely hanging on.

Peter manages to pull me up. The "burning tree" is now in the truck with us and it's acting as a shield for Tegan.

One witch comes toward us and I manage to kick it away. It flies out of the truck and bursts into flames.

The tree nearly explodes and the black hole in its center shrinks further. The force emmited throws everyone back. Me and Peter end up hanging on to the sides of the truck. The last witch is on the edge and Tegan is just cowering in front of it.

I manage to yell "just kick it off!" And thankfully my scared friend does. The witch explodes and the tree does to. With the smoldering tree still smoking the three of us sit on the edge of the truck as Claire drives off and the sun starts to raise.

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