Power of Apology

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Based on a Compulsion and a Question

"Soais" she said his name in a sad sigh. "I'm--"

"No." He grunted, the sudden pain distorting his words. "I'm fine." He forced himself to keep his eyes on hers, and not the figures counting their coin. The last thing they needed was for someone to realize who he was or worse who she was. "You're not-" His eyes finished the rest of his sentence as he shook his head. "You are not." He repeated.

The tension in the air crackled with the unspoken words. She hesitated, her gaze pleading with his, but he remained resolute.

She deflated, her hands pressed around the blade in his shoulder. 

"I can't just let them-," she murmured, her voice laced with anger.

"We have a mission." he insisted. "I'll manage," he attempted to stand up, a grimace flashing across his face. Despite his strength, being stabbed in the shoulder still hurt like hell.

She bit her lip, torn between instinct and caution. The figures that had surprised them weren't worth exposure, and the longer they lingered, the greater the risk of being discovered.

"We need to go," he said, his tone determined.

Her eyes turned towards the group and for a moment-

"Arwen," he whispered insistently, "No."

Reluctantly, she withdrew her hands from his wound, her fingers lingering for a moment. The knife was deep but it wouldn't hinder a man like Soias for long. She knew they couldn't afford to be caught, not now. 

They rose to their feet.  

One of the figures noticed, "Hold on!" He tossed the bag to the four men behind him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"You have our coin," Soias's deep voice, resonated in the alley. He reached around and ripped the knife from the back of his shoulder "Arghh," and tossed it behind him. "We're leaving."

The leader brought out his own knife. "I'm not done with you."

"Boss-?" One of the ruffians called out, with a nervous laugh. "We already got their coin, what more do you want?"

"I'll be generous." The head ruffian shouted, pointing his dagger at the pair. "I'll let you leave, but the girl stays." He ordered with a sneer. "I recently awakened. Who knows what might happen if I lose control?" 

Another nervous laugh escaped the other four, "Boss. Tanis, man, come on. They're just nobodies."

His grin widened, "So nobody will come looking for them."

Arwen gasped slightly in surprise when Soias pushed her behind him. He'd never acted this protective on the battlefield. Was it a ruse to disguise her identity? Or?

"There's just five of them," he whispered, "you should leave. Even like this, I can handle-" Soias's words cut off as he fell to his knees. "Shit." He cursed under his breath, they didn't have time for this.

The goon named Tanis let out a cackle. "Took you long enough." He stated with glee, hitching a thumb at one of the guys behind him. "Junik's skill makes any weapon he uses, poisonous. And as for me-?" He turned the red blade, "I'll burn the very skin from your body."

"Can you toast bread with it too?" Soais remarked dryly, stalling as he racked his brain for the easiest way to escape their situation. His own skill could easily deal with this bastard, but it would take time, time that they didn't have. He felt her move behind him and threw out his good arm in a weak attempt to stop her. 

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