Wolf Story pt 4

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Kiera's eyes opened slowly as dawn peaked through the window.

Her first thoughts were filled with confusion as she watched a light morning snow drift across the pane. So much had happened in such a short time.

Her ears still rang slightly from the blast at the Bunker.

There had been an attack.

Several wolfs from the Howl's Creek pack were dead.

Hunter's had come. They were lead by a human named Elliot.

She had a mate.

Derrick. He was imprisoned by the Hunter.

Kiera slowly ran through all of the facts. Grasping at bits of information.

Derrick had called for her. He had felt her call, and he had responded. She felt her thighs tingle in remembrance of his answer. The blood moon had heightened her clairvoyance, but they were still unmated so the range wasn't infinite.

Derrick had been able to respond just before the blood moon had ended.

It had been midnight when the Hunters attacked.

Kiera struggled with the calculations for a moment, but was able to deduce that the Hunter's hideout was between 3 and 6 hours, by vehicle, from Howl's Creek.

Unfortunately, she couldn't feel Derrick's call anymore. Without the blood moon, the range on her gift was three maybe four blocks at best. Just far enough to make living in a pack... inconvenient. She never like sharing thoughts with others before. It was a sense that fully awaked through touch and she couldn't actually turn it off.

He had used her gift to send specific and clear a message. A message of love, and adoration. And a message of warning. The Hunter, Elliot, was coming back. For her? Kiera had seen the fear in Derrick's eyes.

He hadn't been afraid for himself, but for her.

Kiera contemplated as information fell into place.

She turned her head when a feeling of unease started creeping towards her. Literally. Someone was frightened, worried, and feeling desperate.

She waited as the feelings entered the building. Whoever the person was they had touched her at some point. It wasn't Paul, she realized as the thoughts became clearer. A female, young, probably a survivor from the Bunker.

"So, you pulled me out." She stated as, the curly blonde named, Penelope entered the room.

The nineteen-year-old girl had puffy eyes and had clearly not slept well. She looked haggard and half alive. "Mayor wants to see you when you're ready." Kiera was surprised that Penelope's voice held the strength that neither her body or mind possessed. "There's clothes in the drawers."

"How's your eye?" Kiera asked motioning to the barely healed gash above Penelope's left eye.

Penelope clearly wasn't in the mood for small talk. Which actually increased Kiera's opinion of her.

"I'll be right there."

Kiera started to strip, with Penelope still at the door. Neither of them was bothered by her disregard for privacy. Kiera rarely wore clothes to begin with and Penelope was too numb to care. Kiera's body felt stiff from the blast, but she still had full range of movement.

She grabbed a familiar back tracksuit, a black sweater, and thick black socks. There was an oversized bowling jacket on the back of the door, and Kiera grabbed it for an extra layer on the way out of the room. She had her wolf back, but the jacket offered her pockets to shove her hands into. There were boots lined up by the front door, and Kiera grabbed the pair that closest fit her feet.

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