Does it ever end?!

Start from the beginning

"Sure guys." he shot us an apologetic look so he probably realized how nervous we are.

"All right. If you know for a fact your a child of Hermes go over with Luke. Connor if you would go stand over there, please. If we call your name remember your godly parent and go in the group I assign you too." I could see the down cast faces of those left in the middle as my siblings filed out. "Alright, for you children of Hermes that have yet to claimed, he has apologized profoundly for being so busy as he tries. You should be claimed properly after tomorrow as we are going to talk to the gods and if you bring it to his attention his eyes blow wide and he starts apologizing again that usually ends in cursing out the other gods for multiple reasons. With that being said. Chris, get over with Luke...."

When we were finally finished we had like 10 lines and a mix of smiles and scowls form those who don't know how to feel about all this. Connor is doing a great job of keeping them all in line and making them laugh so I don't think we'll have much trouble. Luke has been looking at me apologetically and proudly the whole time, making me stutter and want to cry all through out the whole thing.

"You guys are great at this. Good job." I managed to hold it together and smile in thanks but Connor lost it and tackle hugged him crying. Oh no. Oh come on we were doing so well. Oh no! Here comes Nico with the wine twins! Shoot!

"What's going on here?" nononono!


"Oh Luke said something I take it?"


"It's fine guys, I never even expected you to get this far. Travis quit trying to hide it, it's obvious your 2 seconds behind your brother. Go tackle him for me."

"Thank you Nico, that means a lot." I manage sincerely before I spin and tackle both Luke and Connor, who was helping him up, back to the ground. Luke seemed to understand as he just held us and waited for us both to stop crying. I was so happy to see him alive, and not glaring at us, I didn't care what any one thought.

"Alright you two, don't kill him wile your at it. Polux would you mind taking this group over to the Athena and Ares cabins, they should be dueling it out right now. Connor! Take the rest of em to where they need to go. Luke you are free to continue, I hope you will excuse my companions rudeness. The rest can come with me and Castor, I'll explain a thing or two but I can't exactly teach you anything as I am not proficient in say, the mist or magic like my sister, or anything like that but I can tell you all I know and teach you a lot more than what they want me too as long as you don't tell Annabeth." and we were off. Wait. Hey, did he just call us rude?!

Annabeth's POV

I'd say things are going well. Every one seems to be off doing their jobs, and the past campers seem to be excepting it rather gratefully. As long as I put someone they trust or know with the people they don't they should listen. I just received a bunch of campers from Polux, so I would think that the Stoll brothers have't tried anything on Nico yet. They still have 4 hours tell lunch to paint him pink with glitter though. I wouldn't doubt them when it comes to pranks.

I set up a friendly mach with the Ares cabin really practice for this up coming war. Athena is the next best thing from fighting each other for Ares and it really pushes us Athena kids to speed up our calculations. You need quick reaction times when you are fighting your own and monsters all the time. Me and little Risse were going over the game plan. We decided that we would have a combined lesson to start and an all out mini capture the flag to end it. Fun for the younger kids and enough bashing for the Ares campers. Will was also going to help the Apollo campers out in the infirmary today, so I wasn't too worried about any one getting too hurt.

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