Bonus Chaper: Wonderland

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I was sitting at home on the couch humming away when there was a strange crash outside. I took off one headphone ear and listened but didn't hear anything. A few moments later another crash this time louder and it shook the house

"What the heck?" I said getting up and walking outside to where the noise was. Looking around I didn't see anything until I saw this small girl with short brown hair dressed up like a white rabbit with a pocket watch 

"Oh no! I'm late!" she squeaked running frantically around 

"Hey!" I yelled the girl jumped startled and looked my way. Her face dropped before running into the fountain and jumping in "Wait!" running over to the fountain I saw nothing.

'What the--' I swept my hand in the water wondering where she went only for me to be pulled in my something. I fell into the fountain only for it to reveal to be an ocean with fish and other creatures swimming around. 

I swam in place until I felt like I could breathe again as the ocean dissolved into a room with multiple doors around me. Looking around all the doors were different, but one looked much simpler more style than the rest. Walking through that door I arrived in a green grassed field that went on for miles with the sun in the sky 'Where am I?' I wondered as I walked through the field I felt something huge on my hand. Touching my head I noticed it was a funky hat. A puddle of water appeared at my feet and as I looked in I saw that I wore a tall hat with a pink ribbon wrapped around, a brown jacket over a checkered shirt, and striped pants. My face was pure white with my eyes having different color eye shadow as one was orange while the other was blue.

I continued walking before hearing a growl from behind me. Turning around there stood a giant blood-hound dog with his eyes red and foam coming out of his mouth "AH!" I yelled before sprinting away with the hound right on my heels befoe a white horse with a knight in white armor and a Cheshire looking cat jumped over my head toward the hound. They fought off the dog who ran away "Thank you" I thanked them they turned toward me. I noticed that the Cheshire looking cat had orange hair and amber eyes with a  grin from ear to ear while the knight's armor covered up everything.

As I looked at them, something pushed me back off a cliff I was standing on. I fell down watching the knight and cat get farther away from me before everything around me turned black. The only thing that stayed the same was the feeling of me falling down. As I fell I saw my friends from the US flash up 

"You can't run from it, Cleo" 

"It will catch up with you" 

"You will never move on from it" 

They all kept saying that I couldn't forget my past which I doubted highly.

'I'm already on the run from it' I thought

'Forgive him' 

'Forgive or forget'

'Choose one' They all repeated the words forgive and forget over and over. I felt myself spinning around everywhere while falling until roughly landing in a chair at a table. There was a little boy with blonde hair dressed as the mare hair while a taller more older looking boy was dressed as a door mouse. The mare hare was eating cake while having a cart of cakes beside him

"Hey, should you slow down? You're going to get a cavity if you keep eating all that" he stopped 

"Don't forget to brush your teeth" the door mouse said before going back to sleep and the mare hare to eating his cakes. Suddenly a loud bell rang, hundreds of people flooded into the room from nowhere

"What is happening?" I asked looking around seeing I was the only one at the table while all the people ran past me in one direction.

"The court!" 

"It's the trial of the court!" 

"Don't miss the trial!" various people yelled about a court and a trail at it.

Getting up I walked toward where everywhere was going. As I walked the room slowly dissolved into whiteness before appearing in a courtroom standing before everyone. There is from of the room sawt three thrones, a king, a queen, and a prince.

The king was a blonde hair boy while the queen was a black-haired boy with glasses in a dress. Their son had orange hair and amber eyes.

"Why would you want to marry such a common girl?" the king asked 

"We forbid you from marrying her. She obviously has problems" the queen stated

"You could do so much better, our prince" the king insulted

"I don't want anyone else. I want her! I don't care about her past" the prince exclaimed standing up from his throne. "Her past doesn't define who she is!" he yelled that's when the room swirled around into the middle of a wedding. My wedding. I stood there with flowers in my hand at the alter with a boy with brown hair and glasses

"If anyone objects to this marriage speak now!" the priest announced before the doors of the wedding entrance banged open with Lui standing there all crazy-eyed

"I object!" he yelled then stomped toward the alter. That's when the knight came over to us at the altar and landed in front, blocking Lui from us. He took out his sword as did Lui and they fought. In the midst of them fighting, Lui's sword knocked off the knight's helmet. It fell to the ground revealing an angry-looking prince.

"Guards, escort this man out of here!" the prince commanded two guards came and dragged Lui out of the place. The prince then walks up to the altar and moves the groom aside as he took his place.

"Cleo, Cleo" 


"Cleo, Cleo, Cleo wake up!" I frantically woke up

"What is it?" I asked then looked around. The host club was dressed up, Tamaki was the mad hatter, Kyoya was the caterpillar, the twins were the Cheshire cats, Mori and Honey were the door mouse and march hare with Haruhi dressed in a girl's outfit

"Get ready, it's almost time" I laughed looking at them

"It feels like I'm in a dream around here sometimes"

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