Chapter 12

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Before summer ended we decided to go out some more 

"This is going to be so much fun," I said smiling and jumping around excited. Kaoru laughed at this 

"If you don't stop jumping around you'll be tired before we even get there," he said holding my hand 

"I'm just so excited," I said referring to us heading to an amusement park. A small one that was just a walk away from the hotel but none the less an amusement park. We didn't tell the others so they didn't ruin this date. When we got to the park we got our wrist bands and headed inside to the rides. We first did some tall rollercoasters before getting something to eat and walking around "This is so much fun" I exclaimed 

"More fun with you around" Kaoru cheesily said kissing my head 

"You're such a romantic" I responded he laughed 

"You love me for it," he said I blushed as it was true. After walking around we saw a haunted house "Let's go in there" Kaoru said I clutched his hand "What? Are you scared?" he joked 

"Yes I am" his eyes widened 

"I thought you weren't scared of anything" 

"Not true I'm scared of stuff. Just at the beach, you guys did a terrible job scaring us" I answered 

"Wait you figured us out?" he exclaimed 

"You didn't make it very hard to find out," I told him as we went toward the haunted house. When we got in I was clutching Kaoru's hand

"Don't worry nothing will hurt you" he said before a vampire dropped from the ceiling scaring Kaoru off

'You wimp' I thought as I walked through the entire house alone. It wasn't that scary as all of them were predictable. When I got out of there Kaoru was curled up by a bench shaking 

"Don't worry nothing will hurt you" I mocked him. He turned his head and glared 

"Shut up" he got up and took my hand as we headed around to more rides before going back. 

"Today was fun. We should do it again" I said 

"Don't worry, we will" he said 

"Yay!" I yelled jumping onto him giving him a surprise hug.


Later that week there was a farmers market that came to the square. The host club had already gone to it but we hadn't. One afternoon we went, it was a cute little market with a red tent all over the products with two wooden posts in the front holding up the tent also with more around the edges of the tent and in the middle. As we walked through the market we talked and made comments about how each produce looked

"Honey likes these" Kaoru said holding up a package of strawberries

"They didn't bring back anything did they?" I asked Kaoru shook his head. I started picking various produce for each member. After the market, we walked through one of the parks nearby "It's beautiful out isn't it" I said looking around at the sunset sky as it contained a mixture of wonderful colors

"I can think of something else more beautiful than the sky" Kaory commented 

"Oh yeah like what?" I asked getting up in his face 

"You" he answered back. I started blushing hard 

"Stop it! You're making me blush!" I yelled as Kaoru just laughed. I huffed before putting down my bags and tackling Kaoru sending both of us rolling down a hill. When we stopped at the bottom Kaoru was on top of me with his legs outside of mine and arms right by my head, trapping me beneath him. This made my blush grow

"You know, you're really cute when you blush" he whispered his voice now low and husk

'Why is he so attractive?' I yelled in my head before grabbing his face and crashing it into mine. We laid there making out for a couple of minutes before laying down next to each other. Kaoru scooped his arm under my waist pulling me on top of him as he looked at me with admiration in his eyes

"I love you, Cleo," he said kissing the tip of my nose. I put my head on his chest 

"I love you too Kaoru," I said into his shirt, the vibration from him chuckling felt nice making me sleepy while laying there.

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