Chapter 11

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"Kaoru, you can't sulk all day," Hikaru said 

"Watch me, hm, I don't see anything wrong. If they're going to stay around here then let them. She doesn't notice us anyways" Kaoru grumbled 

"Now you're sounding like me now" Hikaru joked sitting down on the bed 

"Hmf no I don't" Kaoru turned over away from Hikaru

"If it makes you feel any better, today Cleo's friends are leaving. They are heading back to the US" this made Kaoru perk up 

"They are?" he asked turning over Hikaru nodded 

"Yeah they should be leaving In a little bit," Hikaru said getting up and walking out the door.

"Maybe it's not good to sulk around," Kaoru said. 


I stood around with the host club except for the twins and my friends as we all said goodbye to each other 

"Promise me you'll text when you get home ok?" I told them they all nodded 

"Aw, why do we have to go!" Isabell whinnied tears coming down as she hugged me for the 50th time 

"We have a plane to catch Isabell. We can't miss it" Peyton said looking at his watch 

"I wish I could go back with you all" I commented before Tamaki grabbed me and hugged me 

"No, you can't take away my second daughter! Daddy won't allow it!" he exclaimed

"I thought Haruhi was your daughter?" I asked getting out of his grip. That's when the twins walked down the stairs

"Hikaru, Kaoru, Cleo's friends are about to leave" Haruhi called out Hikaru came over while Kaoru stood back 

"Good about time, I don't know why they even came. Can't they see Cleo is perfectly fine with us" He snarked 

"Ka-chan that's mean," Honey said 

"I agree what's gotten into you Kaoru?" Haruhi asked 

"Hmf I'm just saying what everyone is thinking. Ever since they came it's been nothing but chaos. I'm happy they're leaving, good rideous" he kept saying 

"Well um, we should be heading on. Goodbye Cleo, we'll talk to you later" Peyton said as they all got in their taxi and headed off.

"Good, finally" 

*Slap* Kaoru and everyone else was surprised. I brought my hand down

"What the hell is wrong with you Kaoru! Those are my best friends you're talking about! Maybe you should think before you speak" I yelled before running up to my room.

While Cleo was gone the host club just sat there amazed at what had just happened.

"Kaoru, what's wrong? You've been acting weird since Cleo's friends got here?" Tamaki asked 

"Yeah you're acting like Hikaru when Arai was around" this only made Kaoru sulk more 

"Seriously what is a matter with you?!" Haruhi exclaimed 

"You want to know what's a matter! Ever since they came she has done nothing but be with them! She didn't even care about us! It was always about them! Well if she liked them so much more than us then how about she go back with them! And forget that she ever met us! She never cared about us anyways!" he yelled running off to his room with Hikaru following after him.

This surprised everyone 

"They can be so immature sometimes" Tamaki mentioned sighing and sitting down

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