method 1.1~ Alice in Wonderland Method

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This method is a more fascinating one and you'd want to vizualize.

Start by vizualizing yourself sitting under a tree, and seeing someone from your dr running, you get up and start chasing after them, they'll eventually lead you to a black hole, and you fall/jump into it. 

This is when you start to shift, start by letting go of your cr memories (Dw you'll remeber everything when your back) but when you are falling you will feel like youre actually falling, which your supposed to feel like that, it's normal. So don't be scared.

Once you reach the end you'll land in a room-ish type thing and you'll see a key and a door (The key will be wherever you choose)

Grab the key and your dr should be on the other side of the door.


You can run and/or fall as long as you need

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