Chapter Seven: Now it's for Real

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It's now the morning, and as I open my eyes, the waves of stress, worry, and fear have already hit my brain.
Today we'll all be together, as a family. It sounds good, but really isn't.
What if everyone breaks down? One family can't possibly handle all this drama and craziness- Can it?
I decide to procrastinate, and remain in bed.
All of the sudden, a noise is in my ear, and a face is in front of mine.
"EMMMMMIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! C'MON!!!!!!! LET'S GO DOWNSTAIRS!!!!! I WANT WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!!!" Shrieks Brock into my ear.
I jolt up, frightened. "Seriously Brock? I told you not to do that. You're gonna be five next June," I explain, annoyed.
"C'mon, please?!!!!" He attempts.
I fall for his cuteness, and he leads the way into the kitchen. When I walk in, silence screams throughout the room.
Gavin and Avia are on complete opposite sides of the kitchen, obviously avoiding each other. Dad looks like he didn't sleep at all last night- and he probably didn't, from what I can tell.
Mom is making breakfast, but her usually cheerful spirit has been replaced by a shadow of sorrow.
Brock stops in his tracks, confused as to what's going on. He cocks his head, as to say, "Why so sad?"
"How come everyone looks sad?" Asks the almost five year old.
Avia looks up before making her way over to Brock. She picks him up, and tries to cover up the truth. "Well, um, we aren't sad, we're... Uh... Thinking about some stuff," she says, with a nervous smile.
"Oh. Wanna go play Spider-man with me? Plllleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassseee?"Brock drags out the please while tugging out his bottom lip, completing the puppy dog face. Avia rolls her eyes at his effort, but says, "Alright, alright, I'm coming, jeez."
I chuckle as he drags her off to our room. The kid wakes me up to go eat, and all of the sudden, he isn't hungry. Thanks, Brock. Thanks.
It's 9:00, and we're driving somewhere instead of school. Mom and dad won't tell us where. I'm starting to think we're going on vacation; but we have no events, and the mood isn't very vacationy. I'm really confused. All of the sudden, we pull of the highway. After about five minutes of driving through a somewhat highly populated town, we turn onto a road filled with commercial-type buildings. We drive into the parking lot of a classy two story building. Everyone gets out. As we walk to the door, Gavin and Avia stop in their tracks. I read the sign they stare at, and freeze.
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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took long, I was very stressed with school work. I gave a little cliff-hanger! Lol, you guys are great and so supportive!!!!! And I love this cover made by 1DShaytards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QOTD: Who else thinks Emmi needs a vine account? (Social media platform used to post 6 second videos with the goal of vein as funny as possible)

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