Chapter 21: Goodbyes & Going Crazy

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Point of view A: Emmi
Point of view B: Avia
Point of view C: The new characters from chapter 20
A/N ends here------
Pov A: Emmi
Standing in the station, staring up at the huge train is harder than it seems.
I thought it would be easy. Easy to leave Aria, to leave New York. I thought that life would turn normal again. Like it was before the Avia/Gavin incident occurred.
But now- I didn't know what I would find in Idaho. I know that Avia is in trouble-
But what if it's too late? What happened in the time between the video she took and right now?
I shove the questions to the back of my mind. I don't want to think about them anymore.
The train pulls into it's place in front of us, opening it's doors.
"So...." Says Aria.
"Yeah," I say.
Though neither of us speak more, the feelings are conveyed.
"I'll miss you," I say.
She told me that she was no longer able to travel half way.
"You too," she says.
The train beeps, and with a quick hug, I'm onto the train.
Little did I know that Avia was on her way to the very place I was leaving.
Pov C: Ellis
I wake up in a damp, dark room. I'm pretty cold, too. Or maybe it's the freaking hypo... Hypother.... Yeah, I don't know smart people words.
Let's say..... Hypocoldia.
Yeah. That's it. I have hypocoldia.
I see something move next to me. It's that kid- John or Jack or something.
He opens his eyes. "Hola," he says.
"You speak Spanish?"
He looks half dead, but I shouldn't be talking. If I felt this crappy, who knew how I looked.
"I think I have... Hypocoldia, or whatever it is," I say.
Nothing like stating a medical condition to get a conversation started.
Wow. I lead a sad life.
He nods, barely conscious. I go to move, before realizing my hands are tied behind my back.
Am I observational or what?
Probably what.
Then a thought comes to me. Which is rare, as I'm not the smartest. Well, I think I am. But that's not what the doctor says.....
Anyway, I speak the thought out loud.
"Wait. If you were still bleeding, which it looks like, wouldn't you-"
I'm cut off as he slumps down, unconscious.
"Pass out," I finish, though my question had been answered.
"And..... I'm alone," I say, to no one but myself.
He isn't moving, and I can't tell if he's breathing.
"Wait, you aren't like dead or anything, right?"
No response.
"Ha... Ha... Ha...," I laugh nervously.
"So you're not conscious? I guess I'm talking to myself then," I continue.
"What will people say about me? Oh, there's Ellis, she went crazy after she was kidnapped. Always talking to herself and what not," I sigh.
"Well guess what, I'M NOT TALKING TO MYSELF!"
I say, covering my mouth mid sentence.
Oh my god I am going crazy!
I screamed, trying to snap myself out of this "Nightmare".
The only thing I snapped out of unconsciousness was Jack.
He sat up, looked around, looked at the blood on his shirt, and passed out again.
"Well then," I said.
My toes were starting to go numb, and only then was I starting to worry about myself.
I'm a wonderful person for being concerned about him more than me.
And humble too.
I don't know what humble means, but Avery says that phrase when I compliment myself. Hm. I wonder what it means.
POV B: Avia
The store is dark, scary, and creepy at this time of night. But I'm not scared.
In fact this is the third store I've broken into this week alone.
You may call me strange, weird- horrible , even.
And I'm not doing it by choice, either. I'd starve otherwise.
It's just that- the exhilaration of running, the secretiveness of hiding, the adrenaline rush of fighting-
I kind of... Well... I kind of like it.
The fighting came naturally to me- maybe it's because it's the one thing my parents didn't force into me as a kid.
The pressure to always be best, to please them, was holding me down.
But I'm not a little girl anymore. Sure, I'm not even 13 yet- but it's like I've aged 5 years.
I creep past the cereal section, crouching to the time of the security cameras movement.
When I see the first thing I need, I realize it's on the high shelf.
I begin the climb, only to be stopped.
Hands slap over my my mouth and I'm pulled down to someone.
A sickly smelling cloth hits my face, and I'm out.
:/:one day later/:::////:::////:::
The room I wake up in is white. There aren't any details whatsoever, not that I'd be at to tell.
I'm drowsy, as the drug hasn't worn off yet. I stand up, and the door opens in front of me. A tall lady steps in, heels clicking and blonde hair swinging. She looks bossy and mean. Hm. I'll call her Mrs. Idiot.
Mrs. Idiot steps toward me.
"Welcome," she says, although her tone isn't exactly as inviting.
"Huh?" I voice.
"You've been chosen, Avia. And let me tell you, people like you are almost never chosen. Prove to us that we've made the right choice," she says.
"Follow me," she adds, stomping out of the room.
"Where am I?" I call out.
No reply, only the clicking of shoes. I follow her from far behind.

3d person pov-
Mrs. Idiot- aka Mrs. Calliver- made sure to be out of earshot when she answered Avia's question.
"Where is this place, you ask? Hell on Earth."

Avia didn't hear a thing.

A/N: Little cliffhanger for you, huh?

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