Chapter 27: LA Kiss or LA Miss?

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Ellis's POV:
You know, three years ago, if someone came up to me and told me that a kid named Jack and I would be pretending to belong to a supernatural society- I'd laugh. Hard.
But no, here we are. Sigh.
You see, I'm not the smartest, but even I know this isn't easy.
We're inside a supernatural place where many people have powers and the like.
We do not.
They all have supernatural blood.
I do not. And Jack only has 0.0000000000000001%.
So basically, we're screwed.
Around me in the bunks, everyone springs up.
A girl in the back looks confused. Her bed says "Avia".
I'm even more confused than she is, but I have to keep up the act.
Someone tells her that it's the breakfast bell, and I listen along.
One by one, everyone files out. I pretend to know where I'm going as I watch the others.
I end up in a huge cafeteria. Across the room I see multiple boys and an uneasy looking Jack.
He notices me and mouths "What do we do?"
I shrug, look around, and mouth back, "No clue."
As everyone else sits down, I notice a bathroom area along the side wall.
I motion towards it, and hold up 5 fingers, indicating that he should watch the clock and meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.
He nods, and turns back around.
I look around before sitting next to that Avia girl. Since they all think I've been here my whole life, I have to rely on her getting answers.
"Hi!" She says to me. "I'm Avia," she continues.
"Uh... Hey," I said, uneasily. "I'm- um- I'm... Ella," I stutter.
"Very creative, Ellis! No one will EVER know that Ellis and Ella sound a like.
Oh wait! They're the same freaking thing with different endings. Good going, Ellis,"
I sarcastically think to myself.
She looks at me weird, before laughing. "Huh, it almost sounded as if you couldn't think of your own name!"
"Oh yeah... Ha... Ha... Ha..." I laugh nervously.
I look at the clock. Thank goodness, it's been five minutes.
"Oh.. Um well I have to go to the bathroom," I say to Avia.
She looks at me in a strange way. I can tell she thinks something is up. "Uh, ok," she replies.
I flash a smile, before heading to the bathrooms.
I walk in to the unisex bathroom and see a storage closet. I walk in.
I guess Jack had the same idea as I did, because he's already in here.
"Hey," I whisper.
"Hey," he says back.
"What do we do? I suck at blending in," I say, distressed.
"So do I. I'll tell you what- meet me here tonight, when everyone is asleep. Ok?" He offers.
"Yeah," I say back.
We're both about to leave, when we turn around and hug each other. Sure it's weird, but we don't know if we'll see each other again- well, see each other alive. Who knows what this place has in store.
We walk out and put on our game faces. Time to get down to business.
Emmi's POV:
After we got off the train, we decided to head to the beach, which is where we sit now.
We set up camp, with jackets as a something to sit on, and phones as research devices.
"So you know LA pretty well?" Asks Andre.
"I lived here for five years," I explain.
"I'll take that as a "Yes"," he says.
"Ok, guys I think I found something," says Avery.
Andre and I gather around her phone.
It's a hacked report from someone that claims they were brainwashed by the society, and just got out today. If course, no one believed them. Well, except us.
We all read it to ourselves.
It's horrible! They only let you wear white. If you're human, you're told that supernaturals are evil.
If you're supernatural, you're told that humans are evil.
They torture people, there's a huge jail where they keep people.
I only got out the other day. All I remember is a new girl named Avia helping us find these two kids, they said their names were Ella and Jason.
I hope some day this helps someone, or someone believes me.
The Society is located on a private island outside of L. A.
- the tortured.
"That's Avia! That's my sister!" I shout.
I see Andre and Avery's smiles grow.
"What?" I ask.
"What would happen if someone not so smart had to make up a fake name?" Asks Avery.
"It would sound like their real name," I answered.
"And what two fake names like Ella and Jason sound like?" Continues Andre.
"Ellis and Jack!" I shout.
"So we didn't just find Avia," starts Avery.
"We found everyone," I smile.
Avis's POV:
The day has gone by and now it's time for bed. Everyone is sleeping except me- well, apparently not.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see that strange "Ella" girl, sneaking out of the room.
I hop off my bunk, greeted at my side by Sarah.
She must have also watched Ella leave.
"Let's follow her," suggests Sarah.
I nod.
Creeping into the hallway, we're silent, trailing Ella from a far.
She turns a corner in the hallway, and we hear an excited whisper. "Jack!"
"Ellis!" The person responds.
Sarah and I look at each other. No wonder why that girl took a while to say Ella- It isn't her real name.
They begin to walk away when I intervene.
"Where are you going, Ella and Jason? Or should I call you Ellis and Jack?" I scowl.
They both freeze and turn around. Jack goes pale and stutters an excuse. "We- um- we just wanted to make sure everything was okay," he says slowly.
Ellis nods quickly. "Uh, yeah!"
Sarah and I just stare at them. Finally, Sarah breaks the long silence. "I think you two are sneaking out," she says.
They both start laughing nervously. They don't seem like highly trained spies that they're supposed to be.
"Wh-what? That's ridiculous! You know us, always being the good people we are! Just checking on everyone," says Ellis a little too joyously.
Jack rapidly nods, "Yup, that's us! Nothing to hide! At all!" He says grinning like an idiot.
"We could win an honesty medal, am I right?" Ellis blurts.
"Oh yeah, totally," lies Jack.
"You two aren't from around here, are you?" I say.
They both freeze, before stuttering out excuses.
"How could you think that?"
"That's ridiculous!"
"Yeah, that's so not true!"
"We would never lie!"
I still stare at them. "That response means either you aren't from around here or you're a really dedicated spy. I'm gonna go with you not being from around here," I say.
They both look at each other, before turning to me.
The silence says it all.
I smile. "Great! You're not from around here! Neither am I," I say.
They nervously smile, not knowing how to respond.
"Obviously, Sarah wasn't a long time ago," says Ellis.
"Yup," I say.
Sarah and Jack look really confused. "Huh?"
I walk over to Ellis, grabbing her flashlight, moving it from Jack's face to Sarah's, back and forth.
"Definitely," agrees Ellis, looking at me.
I nod in conformation.
"What's happening here?" Asks Jack.
"I'll say what I know first. Sarah is supposed to have a brother," I say.
"So?" Asks Sarah.
"You two look EXACTLY alike," says Ellis.
"What? No!" Insists Jack.
"Bright blue eyes, blonde hair, permanently confused look, tendency to talk before you think, energetic personality..... Do I need to go on?" Asks Ellis.
"I don't believe you. Plus, I know what my last name is supposed to be, and it isn't his," says Sarah.
"Oh yeah? On my count of three, you both say your last names. One, two, three!" I say.
"Whensmith," they say at the same time.
"Ha!" Ellis and I high five.
"But that doesn't make sense. My brother is supposed to be two years older, and unless you're really short, there's no way you're-"
"Thirteen," Jack interrupts Sarah. "And I'm not short. I just haven't had a growth spirt," he defends.
"Surrrrrrre," says Ellis.
"You're shorter than him," I point out.
"Oh yeah," she says.
"Hate to break up the family reunion, but we should probably head back to bed," I suggest.
Everyone nods, Jack and Ellis do some weird handshake, and the next thing I know, I'm drifting to sleep in my bunk.

Descriptions of characters not in Shaytards-

Avery May Gains (13 as of January 17, 2015)
Goes by- Avery
Residence- Charleston South Carolina
Appearance- Light skin, brown hair, blue eyes, tall
Aspirations- to go to Harvard and become a world changing scientist
Relationships- child of Amanda and Andrew Gains, best friend of Ellis (Addison Ellis), Andre, Jack

Addison Ellis Gordon (13 as of February 3rd 2015)
Goes by- Ellis
(A/N yes Ellis is not her first name but it's what she's known as)
Residence- Charlotte, South Carolina
Appearance- light skin, green eyes, blonde hair, borderline of short and average
Aspirations- Become a professional dancer and make money that way
Relationships- child of Jessica and Damien Gordon, best friend of Avery, Jack, Andre

Andre De' Fran (13 as of April 22nd)
Goes by- Andre
Residence- Charleston, South Carolina
Appearance- dark skin, black hair, hazel eyes, average height
Aspirations- medical field
Relationships- child of Margret and Andre sr. De'Fran, best friend of Jack, Ellis (Addison), Avery

Jack Greyson Whensmith (13 as of March 29th 2015)
Goes by- Jack
Residence- Charleston, South Carolina
Appearance- light skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, short
Aspirations- "To just play video games because YOLO"
Relationships- Child of Anna and Greyson Whensmith, older sibling of Sarah and Molly Whensmith, best friend of Andre, Avery, Ellis (Addison)

Sarah Anne Whensmith (11 as of June 10th 2015)
Goes by- Sarah
Residence- Society Headquarters, CA
Appearance- light skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, average height
Aspirations- Getting out of the society and whatever happens from there
Relationships- child of Anna and Greyson Whensmith, middle sibling of Jack and Molly Whensmith, best friend of Avia Butler

Molly Jacklin Whensmith (5 as of December 12, 2014)
Goes by- Molly
Residence- Society Headquarters, CA
Appearance- light skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, average height
Aspirations- meet Hannah Montana (A/N: probably not a good idea😳😁)
Relationships- child of Anna and Greyson Whensmith, youngest sister of Jack and Sarah Whensmith, best friends with her doll

A/N: Hope you like the chapter! Also, was the description thing helpful?
Please comment your opinion, it helps!

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