Chapter Nine: Breakthrough

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The dream is cold. Cold and lonely. Everything is dark. So, so, dark. Nothing makes sense. Nothing.
A voice is speaking. Speaking to me.
Emmi, it says. You can not escape this. You will not escape this. There is no escaping, for this does not exist. There is no trickery, for one cannot think in a place that does not exist. There are no answers. You are here now, you are here in the present, the past, the future, for here there is no time. You are here, because your conscience doesn't know who, what, where, when, why, you are. To be is to know. To know is not to be. What are you? Nothing. Nothing does not exist. You cannot think. You are not in the land of the, for that is for those who are. You are not. You never were, never will be, never are.
Who are you? What are you? These questions will never be answered, for the answer lies within, and within is without.
You are here, and here is no more. People like you must go here, in order to set the land of the in order.
You cannot escape, for you would need to know who and what you are, which is impossible.
I know exactly who I am.
I am Emmi.
I know exactly what I am.
I am me.
I am Emmi, and I am me.
That's when I do something never done before. I break through.

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