Chapter One: Out of The Spotlight

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It's been a while since I've gotten attention. I'm not talking about just a glance; I'm talking about the long run.
People HEAR me. They just don't listen. Believe me, they think they do. They just can't see the truth.
From Daxton's adorable babbling to Avia's purposely sassy remarks, I just end up fading into the shadows.
Don't get me wrong; I love my family, it's not their fault.
They just don't notice. If they knew, they would change. But they don't know, and that's what matters, here and now.
And I'm only eight, so if you think that's deep, wait till I'm twenty six.
Anyway, it all started about a year ago. (If you're reading this, you know about the vlogs. If not, research it.)
The viewers were smart. They caught on, right off the bat. They knew what was going on, and tried to warn my parents.
Avia gets all the attention. You guys always ignore Emmi.
I'm unsubscribing!!! You neglect Emmi, and I can't stand it.
I'm sick and tired of Avia being rude to Emmi. How could you not notice, Shay?
And my parents would laugh it off; they would never neglect a child.
On purpose, at least.
I wasn't about to be like, "Um, yeah, you do act like that sometimes. And Avia is more loved then me."
That would crush them.
And like I said, they don't see that it's happening.
"Why don't you tell them?", you ask.
Too much drama.
Drama is Avia's thing.
To much crying.
Daxton holds that spot right now.
Gavin. Avia. Brock. Daxton. Mom. Dad.
You see, everyone has a place.
I don't.
If I did, things would be messed up. And our family is good for now, and it needs to stay that way.
Once again; For now.
Let's start from the beginning. To make this easier, I'll tell it from my point of view, from how I saw it, in the present tense.
Let's begin, shall we?
I'm on my way to acro, thinking about how mom doesn't know that I'm going. Or that I even take acro. Let alone me being one of the best on the team. Neither does dad; but I'm fine with. Carlie and Kayli take and support me, and that's all I need. When we first moved to Idaho, mom and dad started us on cheer. Avia loved it, but it just wasn't my thing. But mom and dad loved it so much, and
I couldn't bring myself to tell them. After spilling to Carlie and Kayli about that and all my other issues, they admitted they had noticed the less attention, and more.
They agreed that they would pay for me to do another sport, and I started acro. Unfortunately, I still have to cheer.
Anyway, one day they randomly asked my mom. "Can Emmi do a sport?"
My mother quickly answered, "Yeah, sure whatever", while listening to Avia ramble on about Cezar, the "Love of her life".
So, here I sit, on a Monday, on my way to acro. I wear my leotard, shorts, and I've braided my hair.
Aunt Carlie is taking me today. She asks how my day was at school.
"Same old, same old.", I reply.
"Can you be . . . A little more . . . Specific?"
I reply with, "Tests, homework."
"Oh . . . Uh . . . Fun I guess?" She laughs nervously.
"Yeah," I say, glumly.
"Soooo..." She starts.
This is getting awkward. WAY awkward.
Thankfully, we pull up at practice.
"Bye Emmi! Be awesome as always!", shouts Carlie.
"I'll try, and maybe fail, as always!!!", I shout back. I hop out of the car and run in to begin stretching.
Hours later, I sit at home. I've just finished homework.
What what I give to be noticed? Not our family. So where does that leave me? Still not noticed. Sigh.
My thoughts are rudely interrupted by shrieks of laughter in the hallway.
"Movie night!!!!! I told everyone dad!!!! We're all here! Let's watch!!!"
Probably Avia. Double sigh.
But wait- I'm not there. I'm in my room. I wait for them to realize my absence.
6:30: nothing.
7:55: nada.
8:43: zip.
9:55: zero.
10:00: zilch.
For the third time this week, I cry myself to sleep.

Now or Never- ShaytardsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora