Chapter 29: Fishy Fishy Cross the Ocean

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As we look at our friends/ siblings through the laptop, we can see and hear everything.
"Well this looks interesting," says my sister.

"Well this looks interesting."
I scan our surroundings. This morning, we got a special message from the society speakers.
There was to be a special ceremonial activity, and everyone had to attend.
So now, Sarah, Molly and I walk into an arena-like room.
There are stadium-like seats, with a huge- well- how do I put this- tank in the middle.
By tank I mean huge, glass box filled with thousands upon thousands of gallons of water.
It jus be at least five hundred feet deep- it's above ground, however it's no typical swimming pool.
I can distinctively see things- no- people- inside.

"They have to be supernatural. No one can hold their breath or survive that water pressure," explains Andre, gesturing to the people in the tank.
"Usually supernatural people have goals or objectives.
What do you think theirs is?" I question.
"To kill," says Avery, seriously.


A man steps onto a small platform above the tank, and cheers break out.
"Who's that?" I ask.
Sarah answers immediately. "The founder of the Society."
We both put on fake smiles, hoping to hide the scowls threatening to form.
The crowd calms down, and the man picks up a microphone.
"Now, my friends- the society as we know it has many rules," he begins. His words earn nods of approving listeners.
"One of which, clearly states that we are all gifted and pure."
My heart stops. I'm the non- supernatural. Is he saying I can't be here? They said I could! Are they going to kill me?!
"One non gifted- Ms. Butler- was approved. Others, however, are not," he continues.
I relax for only a second- who wasn't approved? What are they gonna do with them?

The storage room grows quiet, as the three of us know which exact two people he's talking about.
Jack- with only 0.0000000000000001 % of supernatural blood.
And Ellis- with none.


"We're gonna show them what happens when we don't follow the rules," he continues.
I frown. Something hits me, just as Sarah says it. "My brother and his friend."
We both look at each other, hoping it isn't true.
Only it is, as society soldiers burst into the room, finding and grabbing the two culprits.


The three of us each take a sharp breath as Ellis and Jack are thrown onto the platform.
The man grins. "As a child, we'd play a fun game called 'Fishy Fishy Cross The Ocean'. Ocean is another word for sea. So why not play a new game? I call this one, "Fishy Fishy dies at sea."

With that, he pushes both of them, their bodies plunging into the water.
"No!" Yells Avery, as Andre simply states, "Well, shit."
The dark figures of the "people" in the water swim up towards them.
"You're right," I whisper to Avery. "They are trained to kill."
She looks at me, grinning. "But we know how to survive," she gestures to the on-screen Avia.


It only takes Sarah and I ten seconds to jump up, clear the stairs, get to the wall, and get ready to dive in.
That's when I hear the head of the society.
"Well would you look at what we have here. A loyal- well, maybe not so much anymore- society member, and the little, defenseless, human girl. It'll be a shame when she dies. After her sister broke through (A/N remember?), something never accomplished before, we thought she'd also show potential. But even now, she prepares to leap into the tank towards the end of her life."
I turn, scowling. "Listen, Mr. Batshit crazy. I'm not gonna die. I'm gonna fight, and I'm gonna survive. This isn't the end. This is the beginning."


And with that, my sister is plunging into the icy water.

(A/N- wait for it... Wait for it....)

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