Chapter Five: We're sorry.

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It's exactly fifteen minutes later when mom and dad arrive. I know because I've been staring at the clock, and just as it clicks fifteen, their car pulls up. It's seventeen minutes later when they walk in.
Mom looks worried and dad looks confused, his eyes begging me for information. Gavin is speaking to the principal, and Avia is still at the nurse.
"Sweetie, what happened? Did you get hurt? How? Where is it?", my mom asks, fear surfacing on her features. They walk over to me and sit down on the chairs across from me. Dad winks and grabs a chip from my lunchbox. I think he's trying to make me smile, but it isn't working.
"Actually... I'm more of a witness," I state.
"What happened? Are you okay to talk about it?" Dad asks. He grimaces as it takes me a bit to respond.
"It's about Gavin and Avia," I explain.
"Did someone hurt them?" Asks mom.
"No..., Gavin... Well... Gavin hurt Avia", I say, my voice becoming softer and softer as I speak. I feel like I'm on trial- A loss for words when they a clearly much needed.
"When? Why? How? Are you sure?" Dad immediately speaks, becoming stern.
Mom calms him down, explaining that I'm probably scared.
I mentally thank her before continuing. "I was walking to lunch, and I heard a scream saying, 'Please don't!' It sounded a lot like Avia.
"It was coming from the area of the renovation, so I went to check it out."
Mom looks in the direction of the nurses office, wondering how Avia is.
I continue speaking.
"I rushed over. Avia was screaming and crying, like, hysterical. Gavin's friends were holding her down. Then Gavin- he- he- he- ...", I begin to tremble.
"It's okay, go on.", says dad. Both of then look captivated, like they need to know. They also look shocked- how could their son, the loving, caring, older brother figure, do something, anything to Avia? Or any of their siblings for that matter?
I continue, tears forming in my eyes. "He... He had a knife in one hand. B- b- but first he- he- he- he sl- slapped her", I say, starting to full on cry.
They look full on shocked, and angry, emotion in all forms possible.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Shouts dad, all calmness fading away. He then contains himself, and he and my mom grimace, bracing themselves for what is to be said.
"He- he-"
Full on crying.
"He- he- um- he-"
Full on sobbing. Not just me. My parents too.
"He- he sliced her arm... Then- then he said she- she- she was an a- a- attention hog, and- and- that he- he- he hated her, and that she- she- she- she-",
I can't go on. I sob, with my parents. After calming down, I finish. "He said she ruined her life by- by... Being born," I say.
If it's possible, their jaws drop farther than before.
They rush to the nurses office, but I stay. I shouldn't worry, right? I mean, something this small can't ruin our family... Hopefully. I think we're still good. And here comes that dreaded phrase I use too often these days.
For now.
A/N: Sorry it took so long! I was going through a teen wolf binge watch and forgot about wattpad lol. Who watches teen wolf? And should I do a new fanfictionn with it? Idk.
Anyway, yesterday I went on to see if this story was at 700 reads, and it was like 850!!!!! I still can't believe how awesome you guys rock. And then to my surprise... VOTES FROM SOME OF MY ULTIMATE FAVE WATTPAD WRITERS!!!!! In the SHAYTARDS world, you've probably read all their stories, but if not, go check out:
1DShaytards and, the second, wattpad kept denying that this person was a user, my apologies, here it is:
SimsTard. Go read her stories too!!!!!!!!!!! Rock the flip on and even harder,

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