Who's Katsuki? II

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[Same day]

~Jace's POV~

I forrowed my brows "who's Katsuki?" Almost immediately everyone froze as the words left my lips

No one answered my question "I-I'mma go get some water, throat's a bit dry" Ky said going to the kitchen

"I'm coming with you" Danny said following Ky

"Izuku who's Katsuki?" I asked again

"H-he's my uh my childhood friend" he said with a stutter providing that this 'Katsuki' was more than just a 'childhood friend'

"He's obviously more Izuku" I said crossing my arms "who's Katsuki?"

"H-he's my- uhhhhhhhhh, h-how do I put this" he said looking everywhere but me

"Everyone, leave" I commanded making everyone immediately leave the room. I sighed "please Izuku, just tell me who he or she is"

He sighed heavily before sitting on the couch pulling me between his legs, he didn't try to make me sit which I was greatful for

"Katsuki is my childhood friend as I had said before, but as the years progressed, he got more violent. I always forgave him but I didn't know why, when I was thirteen I explained how I felt to my mom she told me that I had a crush on Katsuki, that's where it all started" he said his hands sliding away from my hips "when we got into UA he was still violent but the teachers kept him inline, eventually the teachers didn't care anymore and he went back to beating the shit out of me"

"He bullied you?" I asked resting my hand against his cheek

"Yes, but I never let it get in the way of my love for him. Love. That's what it was at that point" he said looking down almost in......shame? "I was fed up with it nevertheless, so I left and came here, I changed a bit and I met you. I was planning on getting better, bigger, stronger before going back to Katsuki and have him love me"

"So this whole time-" I started backing away from him "-you never really loved me?"

"W-what!?" He said startled

"T-this whole t-time I was just your guinea pig t-to see if y-you were good enough f-for him?!" I asked feeling my heart break piece by piece

"of c-" he tried to say

"Stop" I said walking over to the door, tears streaming down my face "I don't wanna hear it"

I ran out of the house shape shifting into a dog and ran home. I scratched on the door, my brother opened it and I ran inside up to my room shape shifting back into my human form collapsing into the bed. A sob ripped out of my throat and everything went down hill from there.

*Knock knock knock*

"Jace?" I heard Ace call me from the other side of my door

"*Sniff* yes!" I called back sniffing pathetically curling my body in a fetal position

"Can I come in?" He asked softly

"Y-yeah sure" I said sitting up and wiping my tears

"Hey" he said coming inside and locking the door behind him

"Hi" I said running a hand through my hair. Immediately, a few images of Izuku doing the same flashed in my inner vision. I shook my head ridding myself of the images

"What happened?" He asked sitting on the floor in front of me

"You remember that guy I told you about?" I asked playing with the sleeves of Izuku's shirt

"You mean the green haired hottie?" He asked his eyes widening a fraction of a centimeter

"Yes 'the green haired hottie'" I said rolling my eyes

"What about him?" He asked tilting his head to the side like he always does when he's confuswed

"I don't think our relationship was real"I said downcasting my eyes

"What makes you say that?" Ace asked taking my hands in his

"Well, apparently he was supposed to come here to america, change himself to be good enough for his crush back in Japan" I said remembering our conversation "I think I was just his guinea pig t-to see if he was good enough"

"Did you let him explain himself?" He asked giving me his look of disapproval

"No" I groaned flopping on my back onto the bed

"Oh my gosh Jace!" He bursts out at my answer "how many times do I have to tell you to let people explain themselves?!"

"Nevertheless of that he still didn't tell me about Katsuki when he should've!" I shot back

"Yeah!" He agreed "but you still should've listened to him!"

"Ugh!" I grunted sitting up "how would you feel if your boyfriend kept an important part of his life away from you?"

"Oh please don't bend it that way!" He practically begged

"Come on!" I said playing in his artificial pink hair "answer me!"

"I - oh goddamn it!" He cussed "I'll admit I'd be pissed and a bit heartbroken!"

"ExAcTlY!" I said smacking him upside the head

"Ow!" He yelped touching his head before smacking me "stop that"

"Says you!" I said smacking him again

"I know" he said smacking me

"Arrogant asshole" I said smacking him

"This calls for war" he said running out of my room. I quickly picked up the toughest pillow I had and sat waiting

About thirty minutes later he came in my room with a sad face "*sniff* you're a monster"

I grinned "so you've seen my work of art?" I asked my grin widening

"Of course I have!" He said lifting his pillow that had a pillow case with a bunch of anime guys with 'Husbands' written on it. Now it has 'X' on each guys face

I burst into a fit of laughter "relax it's just a copy of the original" I said giving him his original pillow case

"Thank you" he said ripping it from my grasp before turning away and wispering "did he hurt you, any of you?"

"Do you really expect it to sat something?" I asked referring to the pillow case

He gasped "how dare you!" He said "you will refer to them as he, they or them understood?"

"Yeah sure" I said rolling my eyes

"Humpf" he huffs walking away making sure to sway his hips a bit more than usual making me roll my eyes once more

"Good night Big Bro!" I yelled

"Good night little Monster!" he yelled back making me roll my eyes again

~If I roll my eyes one more time they'll fall out of my head~

Another chapter! YAY! Bye!~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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