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[Monday=Week one of Twenty]

~Izuku's POV~

"Have a good day at school guys!" I yelled after everyone

"See you later Izuku/Zuzu/Buns" they replied waving back at me

I closed the door and went back inside, up to my dad's office "hey dad" I said sitting in the visitor's chair in front of his desk

"Hey Izuku" he replied looking at some papers on his desk "you ready for online school?"

"Yup" I said turning on my laptop

"Just be quiet okay?" He asked returning to signing some paperwork

"Yes sir" I said with a mock salute. I then got onto the UA site and began my work, there was a live lecture with Ms Midnight currently

"Remember" she said in her usual seductive voice "you need to know how to play with your enemies sometimes"

(A/N: When it's bold and underlined, that means he's typing)

What do you mean Ms Midnight?

"Ah Midoriya" she said scanning my question "I mean for example, The way a female with a big bust can seduce her opponent into doing her every wish. Or a very buff male can seduce another male or female for the same outcome"

I see

"Now, let's go over a few things that you'd say" she said snapping her whip "what line will your enemy fall for?"

Telling them how pretty they are??

"That's cute Midoriya, but not exactly" she purred "anyone else?"

Telling a female how curvy they are?

"Yes Tetsutetsu,but you must also touch" she said "remember that actions speak louder than words"

What about two males; a male hero and a male Villain?

"Yes of course"she said "boys, what turns you on?"

When a girl knows what she's dealing with

You're right. You're not a 'who' you're a 'what'. You constantly short-circuit that's why you're always so pissy


"I may be enjoying your little banter but....." Ms Midnight trailed off "there's a time and place for everything"

We're sorry Ms Midnight

"It's okay Midoriya" she said "now back to the question; what turns you on?"

A specific person

"Care to share?"she asked "if not, how about you Tetsutetsu?"

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