More Unexpected Visits II

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~Third Person's POV~

"Izuku~" Jace and Katsuki purred in the greenette's ear, their hands roaming all over his body in attempts to wake the sleeping male

"Mmm, my babies" he mumbled, his eyes fluttering open as his arms wrapped around Kare no koibito-tachi (japanese) [his lovers]

"Es hora de despertar a papá/maestro" the two said combing through the bigger male's hair [Time to wake up Daddy/Master] (spanish)

"sí, lo sé" he said nodding [yes I know]

"Entonces levántate!" the two giggled pulling the green haired hero up[then get up!]

"Nuh-uh" he whined resisting his boyfriends

"Izuku get the f🤗 up!" Hisashi yelled "Come get this lunatic away from me!"

"Ugh" Izuku grunted getting up. He picked up his boyfriends who giggled in glee while their boyfriend pet and pampered them instead of allowing them to do their morning routine by themselves.

They got dressed in casual clothes and went downstairs to see Christen chasing Hisashi with an evil grin spread across his face while his wife laughed to the point of wheezing.

"Izuku! Help me!" Hisashi yelled running back upstairs Christen hot on his heels

"Oh quit running you big baby!" Christen yelled "I just want to hug you!"

"Hug?! Last night you wouldn't even let me sleep in my own bed! I'm a grown ass man Dad!" Hisashi yelled "Jesus Christ-ack- put me down! Mom tell him to put me down!"

She tried but the poor woman couldn't even make a simple sentence. "Christen, put Dad down" Izuku said chuckling at his weird family

"Nope" Christen replied hugging Hisashi closer

"Well Dad, I tried" Izuku said shrugging, catching sight of a mini camera in a corner of the room. Remembering Jade's request, he ignored it.

After a small argument, Izuku and Jace allowed Katsuki to cook breakfast for everyone. Not even five seconds since he took to the kitchen, Jade, Bella, Kyle and Daniel jog downstairs all still half asleep

"Good morning" they greeted

"Morning" Jace replied from Izuku's lap. The latter, however, did not respond and instead continued to sniff the hair of his submissive

"Can he hear us?" Jade asked looking at Izuku's who's eye's we're closed with his nose buried in Jace's head

"Yes but he's choosing to ignore you right now" Jace answered petting Izuku's head

"Why?" Kyle asked forrowing his brows

"Because he doesn't pay attention to anyone unless it's an emergency when he cuddles us like this" Jace explained further shrugging his shoulders, feeling Izuku hug him closer

"Is there a specific reason?" The brunette, Bella, asked

"Not that I know of" the blue haired male replied

"I see-" she was cut off by the sudden mouthwatering scent of Waffles, Sausages, Bacon and Toast. "Who's cooking?"

"Katsuki" the greenette replied suddenly, turning everyone's attention to him "he loves cooking and honestly his cooking rivals that of Chef Ramsey's"

"Damn" Kyle commented with raised eyebrows

"Breakfasts almost ready, so put Hisashi down so he can eat Christen!" Katsuki ordered from the kitchen making Christen huff

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