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~Izuku's POV~

"Hey kid, wake up" my eyes fluttered open to the lady with electric blonde hair and violet eyes I sat beside for the whole flight shaking me awake "we're here"

"Oh thank you for waking me up" I said unbuckling my seatbelt and rubbing the sleep from my eyes

"No problem kid" she said getting up and walking away. I got my luggage and left the airport. New York looks the same way I left it. I hailed a cab and gave him the directions to my dad's house. Yes I can speak English.

My dad taught me last time I was here so I speak the language very fluently. I the cab stopped in front of my dad's house, it hasn't changed one bit. Still pearly white paint, shinny oak wood door and crystal clear windows

It wasn't anything much; just a nice roomy two story house with about five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and s kitchen.


~Of course Jade would be hungry already~

I exchanged my jacket for a black hoodie and pulled the hood over my head, put on a pair of black rimmed glasses then knocked the door "may I help you?" Kyle asked answering the door

"You can give me a hug" I said tilting my head to the side

"Why would I-" he cut himself off taking a closer look at me and squinting his eyes "IZUKU?!"

"Hey Kyle" I said smiling, shrugging my little shoulders

"C'MERE BITCH!" He screamed bear hugging me then dragging me into the house

"Kyle who's at the do-" Daniel cut himself off seeing me, he jumped over the rails of upstairs landing on his two feet "IZUKU YOU SON OF A BITCH!"



They all ran towards me enveloping me in a group bear hug. "How're you guys?!" I asked giggling and returning the hugs

"Great now that you're here!" Bella squealed bouncing and giggling a little

"Hey, where's Becky?" I asked not seeing the shy little glasses wearing redhead

"She's sleeping in your room with Gabe" Jade said munching on some potato chips

"Okay" I said wiggling out of their grip "I'm going to put down my bags, get changed and call mom then we go out"

"Alright/okay/Yay!" they chorused letting me go

I marched upstairs to my room seeing a startled awake Becky and Gabe "Izuku?"

"Hey guys" I said putting my bags down and opening my arms for them

"We missed you" they said hugging me gently unlike the other four downstairs

"Go downstairs, I'll be a minute" I said letting them go

"Okay/alright" they mumbled lazily walking downstairs

I quickly took a shower then got dressed in a gray t-shirt, a black leather jacket with 'I.M' written on the back in white, dark blue jeans and my signature red shoes. After that I called mom to let her know that I arrived



RIII- "Hello" she answered

"Hey mom" I said running a hand through my hair

"Hey Izuku, are you there yet?" She asked with shuffling in the background

"Yeah, uh mom?"

"Yes sweetheart" she said

"What are you doing, I hear shuffling?" I asked hearing more shuffling from her side

"I'm just packing my stuff to head for work" she replied with more shuffling

"Oh okay, have a good day at work" I said

"Thank you sweetheart, I'll see you in January" she said giggling

"I'll see you in January mom" I said smiling. I then hung up the phone and went downstairs to the living room only to find everyone (including dad) having a nice conversation (debate) "hey, what's going on?" I asked forrowing my brows

"Do you want to go somewhere specific Izuku?" Daniel asked narrowing his eyes at me

"Or do want to just hang out with us?" Jade asked raising her eyebrow

"I just want to hang out with you guys since we haven't seen each other in so long" I said shrugging, stuffing my hands in my pockets

"BOOM!" Jade and Kyle exclaimed fist bumping each other

"Told you" Jade said sticking her tongue out

"Yeah yeah whatever" Daniel and Bella grumbled

"C'mon" I said before turning to dad, "if it's not a problem dad, could we hang out sometime?"

"Of course Izuku" he said smiling "go have fun"

"Alright, see you later" I said

"See you later Zuku" he said

"Okay where are we going first?" Gabe asked putting his hood up effectively covering his hair and eyes

"Let's head to Starbucks, I'm in need of an iced coffee" I said slipping on my glasses

"Onwards to Starbucks!" Bella yelled earning a few creeped out glances from onlookers

"Great. Juuuuuuuuuuuust great" Kyle mumbled in annoyance "you have awakened her crazy side Izuku"

"Me?!" I asked offended "she's always been crazy!"

"I never said you made her crazy" he said rolling his eyes "I said that you awakened her crazy side"

"It went dormant?" I asked

"Yeah. After you left she's been a smart ass" he said scowling "lists out the pros and cons of everything"

"Must've been annoying" I said snorting

"Damn right it was" he grumbled

"Gabe?" I called out to him

"Hmmmm?" He humms in response

"You okay there bud?" I asked wrapping my arm around his shoulders

"Yeah I'm okay" he said leaning into my chest

"Ya' big baby" I said grinning

"I'm not a big baby" he grumbled stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket

"Oh yes you are" I said patting his head

"No I am not" he said smacking my side

"Yes you are" Jade and I say in unison

"Shut up Jade" he grumbled "and I'm not a big baby"

"Of course you are" Kyle and Daniel said in that creepy twin unison thing

"That's creepy guys stop" Gabe said looking as creeped out as he sounded "and I told you, I'm not a big baby!"

"It doesn't matter because....." I said taking my arm off his shoulders prepared to run "'re our big baby!" and with that I ran off with him running after me, Kyle, Daniel and Jade since Bella was already ahead of us and Becky wanted to stay home

"I hate you guys!" Gabe yelled after us

"We know!" We chorused still running

~Wow! I missed this!~

Hi my lovelies! How'd you like this chapter?! Hope you are doing well and all! Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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