WITH, Hugs, and Red Flash!!! ~My own!~ ~Inspired by Episode 4 and 7~

Start from the beginning

~In Pripara~

Shiko was on top of the manhole, again, but SoLaMi Smile and Yui pushed and caused her to fly, again. They entered Prism Stone. "What's new, Meganee-san?" asked Laala. "The Pripara Café has just opened thanks to you for bringing a lot girls!" explained Meganee. "Yatta! It's like something out of a dream! And not just the café: Paparajuku's Pripara's gonna be packed to the dreams!" "But what can we do to increase the number?" asked Sophie. They take a moment to think. "I know! How about we host a some sort of show in Pripara TV to introduce Pararujuku's Pripara!" suggested Laala. "That's a great idea, Laala!" approved Mirei.

"Capisce please. Capisce please. Capisce please. Dreamy-cute please. Dreamy-cute please. Dreamy-cute please." begged Laala and Yui. "A program to introduce Pararujuku's Pripara, you say?" said Meganee. "We have to do this to dream up people's Pripara dreams!" said Yui. "And we'll do a SoLaMi Smile performance! It'll be a smash!" said Laala. "Very well." "Really?!" said all 4 of them. Meganee began to make a appointment. "The studios's open all tomorrow, so I'll book you in a for a 24-hour slot!" "We don't need that much time, Meganee-san!" said Sophie. "3 hours is enough." "I see. I've slotted you in for 3 hours after school." "We gotta make this a ton of fun and get everyone to watch!" said Laala. "Hai!" said everyone.

"Since we have have 9 minutes left. I think we have time to get a quick snack or drink. If anybody's a little hungry or thirsty that is." said Mirei, looking at her Idol Watch. "Yatta!!!" exclaimed Laala and Yui. Mirei ordered a parfait, Sophie ordered some pudding, Laala ordered some pizza and a matcha, and Yui ordered a crepe with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, bananas, and caramel sauce.

They quickly ate and drink in 5 minutes and went back in the tunnel."Mou! I only ordered a small parfait-pri! I wish I have more time to eat a bigger one-pri!" complained Mirei, using her idol-cute voice. She quickly covered her mouth, again and blushed with embarrassment. "Not again..." "Kawaii!!!" exclaimed Yui with her dreamy eyes. Mirei gave out a sigh and sweat-dropped. "I really need to learn how to control this..." "Please don't, Mirei! It's so kawaii!!!" said Laala. As they climbed out of the hole, Mirei was hugged on the neck by someone. "Mirei-senpai!!!" said a voice. She turned around and saw Asahi hugging her. "Asahi-kun?! Why are you hugging me, again? And aren't you suppose to get to class now?" asked Mirei, trying to get his arms off her. "I just want to hug you, again!" pouted Asahi.

"We were about leave till Asahi heard Mirei-san's voice. He wanted to wait till she was up on the surface." explained Shougo, sweat-dropping. "Let's go to class together, Mirei-senpai!" exclaimed Asahi. "Fine, but could you stop hugging me?" Asahi lets her go, and Mirei gave out a sigh. They started to walk to class until a crowd of girls crowded around WITH, pushing SoLaMi Smile and Yui aside. "I thought this would happen..." sighed Mirei as her glasses fell from her face.

Asahi managed to get through the crowd, helped her up, picked up the glasses, cleaned them, and was about to put them on her face. "Arigatō, Asahi-kun." She took her glasses from him and them on her face herself. "You're rad welcome. Just call me Asahi." said Asahi with a smile. Fangirls are shouting compliments and complaints like: "Asahi-kun! You're so rad nice!", "Asahi-kun, can you help me, too? My glasses are dirty, too!", "Let's walk together, Asahi-kun! My left leg hurts!", "Asahi-kun, can you help me find my school bag?", and more...

"ATTENDTION ALL GIRLS!!!" shouted Mirei. Every girl stopped fangirling and looked at her. "You should all get to class before the bell rings!" "Why do we need to? We have plenty of time." said a girl. "Oh really? Look at the clock! In 1 minute and 17 seconds the bell will ring. Who knows what would Head Disciplinarian Jigoku Mimiko do if she sees or hears you here." All the girls got terrified and ran to class instantly. Asahi opened his mouth to say something, but Mirei pushed WITH, Yui, Sophie, and Laala altogether. "Don't kansha me now. We've got to get to class, too!"

Idol Time Pripara ~Alternate Universe~ (Status: Read the Author's Note!!!)Where stories live. Discover now