|Sweater Dress|

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The next morning, I was awoken by the smell of bacon as it popped and sizzled in the kitchen and something being poured into glasses.

I heard a faint muffled voice come from the kitchen, "When do you think she'll be up?"

"I dunno, Sid. She likes her sleep on some days." Bri replied, she then sat some sort of plates down on the counter.

Picking myself up out of bed, I slipped on my bear slipper. My hair was a bit matted and my breath definitely smelled horrid. My feet lazily dragged me to the kitchen for breakfast while I tugged at the white lace hem of my black nightgown.

"There she is! Morning Sleeping Beauty." Bri giggled while slipping pancakes on to three plates, Sid was sitting at the countertop, saving me a seat next to him.

"Hey guys," I yawned, slurring my words. The retainers in my mouth making my speech slurred. I then sniffed the air, "Smells good."

"Ugh, it does but they're probably gonna taste like shit."

"Oh shut up, they're gonna taste fine."

"Mmhmm, right, every time I make them they turn out like shit, and now I'm making them for you two," She pointed the spatula at both of us. "And they're gonna be shitty." Lastly, Bri flopped two pancakes on her plate before placing them in front of us both a glass of orange juice.

I walked down the hallway to spit out my retainers and put them into minty water to soak them, then I brushed my hair before coming back.

Sid and Bri were getting bacon on their plates when I sat down, "How many do ya want Syd?"

Nodding to my head, "Um gimme four I'm hungry today." Bri then placed four pieces of bacon on my plate.

Bri went back over to the stovetop to grab another pan with scrambled eggs, "Scrambled?" She looked to Sid, with her brow raised.

"Oh, yes please." Sid held out his plate for Bri to put the eggs on.

The three of us started digging into our food when Juno made a low but cute growl while he was sleeping in an awkward position on the couch, then scrambling to his feet, waddling over to Sid right away then plopping down by his feet.

I laughed slightly, "Bubba, no begging." Lightly slapping my thighs.

Bri and Sid chuckled, awing at Juno begging for food, "Who's this?" Sid looked to me before looking down at Juno.

"Oh that's Juno," I thought of something, "He's not normally like this, he hates strangers." Replying hesitantly, shaking my head.

Sid then ripped off a small piece of bacon, "Do you mind?" He raised his brow.

"Oh, no, not at all."

Sid then held the bacon piece in the air, which made Juno stand in excitement, wagging his tail happily, "K buddy," He mumbled. "Sit," He pointed a finger at Juno, making him sit down. "Good boy, good, good boy!" Sid tossed up the piece of bacon into the air, Juno then caught it, crunching it up.

The two of us girls smiled at the sight of the two boys getting along so well. Bri ate her breakfast quickly before leaving the two of us left in the kitchen, I then followed her to her bedroom.

"Hey, um I think I'm gonna stay back and take care of Sid."

"Ya know Sullivan is gonna be pissed." Bri placed her hands on her hips, whispering.

"I know, but he can't play and it could get worse to the point where he can't play. It's just one sick day for him and one vacation day for me."

Bri nodded her head, "Are ya sure you wanna stay home?"

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